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Jan 06, 2007 06:25 AM
by carlosaveline
Friends, The view of Theosophy Company (ULT) wikth regard to Annie Besant's so-called "third volume" of "The Secret Doctrine" is essencially the same as the view of Pasadena TS, Boris de Zirkoff and every HPB student. No Theosophical group now, and not Theosophical Publishing House, re-edits or works with the fake third volume of Annie Besant. So the ULT, the Pasadena TS, the Point Loma groups, the Edmonton Theosophical Society AND THE ADYAR THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY itself all use and promote but the original edition of the SD. It is a proof that there is "intelligent life' in the Adyar TS. As the Collected Writings are another evidence ; and the books by Sven Eek and G. Barborka published there; and so on. So what is the "political force" that promotes the fancy according to which Annie Besant's edition is authentic? It must be the same "political force" which promotes dissension among different theosophical groups; the same "political force" which promotes the use of false names and "aliases"; the same "political force" which circulates slanders against the main founder of the movement ; the same "political force" which uses the technique of infiltrating before attacking, and then 'attacking from within'. I should think more about that and try to tests and elaborate the above elements of information. As to Annie Besant's SD, of course, not all of its "third volume" is useless ; and the good material which was used in it has been properly published by Boris de Zirkoff. Regards, Carlos. De:theos-talk@yahoogroups.com Para:theos-talk@yahoogroups.com Cópia: Data:Fri, 05 Jan 2007 22:36:03 -0000 Assunto:Theos-World What the Thesophy Company states about SD Volume III (1897) > The Theosophy Company states that SD volume III (1897) > "forms NO PART of the original SECRET DOCTRINE written by H.P.B." > caps added > > Unfortunately, the writer of this statement does not > give us either his reasoning or the evidence that would help us > to understand how he arrived at that conclusion. > > But I invite the reader to consider the following evidence. > > On pp. 129-137 of Annie Besant's Third Volume of > THE SECRET DOCTRINE is an article from H.P.B. titled: > > "Appollonius of Tyana." > > Was this article "part of the original Secret Doctrine"? > > If you look in Volume I of the Wurzburg manuscript which dates from > 1886 you find this article titled "Appollonius of Tyana" on pages > 115-133. > > THEREFORE the Wurzburg manuscript is A WITNESS to the fact that this > article to be found in SD, Vol. III (1897) was in fact PART of HPB's > ORIGINAL Secret Doctrine Manuscript of 1886 and was also in > Volume One of this manuscript. > > FURTHERMORE, one finds that the following articles that were in Vol. > III (1897) are also in Volume I of the Wurzburg manuscript: > > "The Souls of the Star -- Universal Heliolatry" > > "The Mystery 'Sun of Initiation'" > > "The Trial of the Sun-lnitiate" > > "The Hexagon with the Central Point, or the Seventh Key" > > "What the Occultists & Kabalists Have to Say": > > Other articles are also to be found in the two said volumes as given > above. > > Therefore, the Wurzburg manuscript is A VALUABLE WITNESS to the fact > that these articles were, in fact, PART of HPB's ORIGINAL Secret > Doctrine Manuscript of 1886. > > See : http://blavatskyarchives.com/sdiiitab.htm > > Now why are these articles in Volume I of the Wurzburg manuscript > ALSO found in Volume III of the SD? > > The key to answering this question is found in the testimony of > Bertram Keightley which can be found at: > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/theos-talk/message/39270 > > Bertram Keightley tells us that the order of the volumes of The > Secret Doctrine was rearranged. Volume I BECAME Volume III in 1887. > > And MOST of the material found in the extant Volume I of the Wurzburg > Manuscript of the SD of 1886 is ALSO found in the SD Volume III of > 1897. > > Daniel H. Caldwell > Blavatsky Study Center > http://blavatskyarchives.com > http://blavatskystudycenter.org > > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > E-mail classificado pelo Identificador de Spam Inteligente Terra. > Para alterar a categoria classificada, visite > http://mail.terra.com.br/protected_email/imail/imail.cgi?+_u=carlosaveline&_l=1,1168036650.599370.12768.sotovento.hst.terra.com.br,5591,Des15,Des15 > > Esta mensagem foi verificada pelo E-mail Protegido Terra. > Scan engine: McAfee VirusScan / Atualizado em 05/01/2007 / Versão: 5.1.00/4933 > Proteja o seu e-mail Terra: http://mail.terra.com.br/ [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]