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Re: Theos-World HPB's comments on person using fictitious signature

Jan 03, 2007 04:46 PM
by Cass Silva

Couldn't find the paper, but I did find this.
Finally, and to close this too lengthy discussion, here is a citation showing that opinions differ on this subject and that they can be separated into three, diametrically opposed. It is taken from a letter from an English Captain in India, Mr. B—, a Theosophist and a man of intelligence.† 
 . . . . . I am very sorry that you should take seriously the fiasco of the wretched Coulombs and the nauseating business hatched up by Mr. Hodgson for the Society for Psychical Research. It is only a subject for amusement to your friends, because it is easy to see through the story. It is exactly what must be expected. Messrs. Gurney and Myers launched the Psychical Society in the midst of a loud blowing of trumpets that was hailed by nothing but shouts of laughter from a mocking world. As a result, they have demonstrated that the public understands the matter and will not let itself be imposed upon. The Coulomb affair was cleared up in no time. Hodgson is the man of Madras: Veni, vidi, vici. He had to make his reputation at your expense; it was a question of life or death for him 
 * Some have gone so far as to say that the astral bodies seen by numerous witnesses were made of inflated gold-beater’s skin. —F.K.G. 
 † [Probably Captain A. Banon, 39th N. I. As the whereabouts of the original English text of this letter are unknown, the best we can do is to translate into English the Editor’s own French rendering of the original.—Compiler.] 
   Page 344
 and the Psychical Society. It is the way of the world, and we must not complain of it, but rather rejoice. The Theosophical Society is purged: now you know who are your real friends. None but fools and the brainless pay attention to a Hodgson. Do you know the Catholic publication, The Month? In its February and March numbers that magazine gives a review of The Occult World and Esoteric Buddhism, and draws the conclusion that you are a horrible sorceress. Merciful Heavens! They evidently must laugh at Hodgson and his grand Report. So, you see, opinions are divided into three camps: the Psychical Society’s party of the Russian Spy and Charlatan theory; that of the Holy Church—diabolical magic beloved by Des Mousseaux and De Mirville; and, finally, ourselves, who have retained our confidence in you after having read the good and the bad reports. As for myself, I have no aim but the pursuit of truth.*
 That is all I have to say about this concert of calumny and silly gossip which is becoming monotonous. I am too seriously occupied to waste my time answering all the wolves that bay at the moon. . . . .
   London (Maycot), June 1887.

M K Ramadoss <> wrote:                                  In pp. 326 of CW, Vol I, HPB mentions her being a target in a controversy by
 one who calls himself as Scrutator.
 She says "When a person enters a controversy over a fictitious signature, he
 should be doubly cautious, if he would avoid the accusation of abusing the
 opportunity of the mask to insult his opponents with impunity." and so
 So use of fictitious name to hide under the mask seems to be an old trick.
 In today's Internet world,  there  may be  a higher level of temptation to
 do so.
 She then talks about getting help from Webster to get a possible clue in the
 pseudonym. Any one can read the full article in the online edition of CW at
 the url:
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