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Re: Theos-World Did HPB Write This Statement to A.N. Aksakoff??

Jan 03, 2007 04:09 PM
by Cass Silva

For the sake of scholarship I imagine there is no choice, however, I would have included the word "alleged"

danielhcaldwell <> wrote:                                  In a letter of April 1875 to A.N. Aksakoff,
 H.P. Blavatsky wrote:
 I have learnt that there is no convincing people
 with suspicious facts only, and also that every
 genuine fact always shows some weak side or other on 
 which it is easy for opponents to fasten.  This is why
 I have laid it down as a rule never in any case to permit
 outsiders to get anything from my mediumistic powers.  
 Except Olcott and two or three very intimate friends, no one
 has seen what happens with me.
 Quoted from Vsevolod S. Solovyoff, A MODERN PRIESTESS
 OF ISIS (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1895), p. 248.
 Did HPB write these words??
 If you were the editor of HPB's collected letters 
 would you include or exclude (remove) this letter from the volume?
 What would you do and why?
 Blavatsky Study Center

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