Dec 30, 2006 11:13 AM
by cardosoaveline
HPB had this to say on "feasts and fasts". Carlos.
[The Theosophist, Vol. IV, No. 4, January, 1883, p. 88]
[Commenting on a correspondent's letter, H. P. B. wrote:]
The rationale of fasts lies on the surface. If there is one thing
more than another which paralyses the will power in man and thereby
paves the way to physical and moral degradation it is intemperance
in eating: "Gluttony, of seven deadly sins the worst." Swedenborg, a
natural-born seer, in his "Stink of Intemperance," tells how his
spirit friends reproved him for an accidental error leading to
overeating. The institution of fasts goes hand in hand with the
institution of feasts. When too severe strain is made on the vital
energies by overtaxing the digestive machinery, the best and only
remedy is to let it rest for some time and recoup itself as much as
possible. The exhausted ground must be allowed to lie fallow before
it can yield another crop. Fasts were instituted simply for the
purpose of correcting the evils of overeating. The truth of this
will be manifest from the consideration that the Buddhist priests
have no institution of fasts among them, but are enjoined to observe
the medium course and thus to "fast" daily all their life. A body
clogged with an overstuffing of food, of whatsoever kind, is always
crowned with a stupefied brain, and tired nature demands the repose
of sleep. There is also a vast difference between the psychic effect
of nitrogenized food, such as flesh, and non-nitrogenous food, such
as fruits and green vegetables. Certain meats, like beef, and
vegetables, like beans, have always been interdicted to students of
occultism, not because either of them were more or less holy than
others, but because while perhaps highly nutritious and supporting
to the body, their magnetism was deadening and obstructive to
the "psychic man."
>From "Collected Writings", H. P. Blavatsky --
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