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HPB, William Judge and Al Gore

Dec 30, 2006 07:10 AM
by cardosoaveline


In recent weeks, I shared here a comparative view of William Judge's 
and Al Gore's views on climate change. 

Early this morning, I read with new eyes the following short  text 
by HPB, in the volume ten of her Collected Writings.

It is rather similar to what former vice-president of t he USA, Al 
Gore, says in his book "An Inconvenient Truth".  That perhaps is an 
example of how far can the transition period between two ages strech 
in chronological time.  

Below, her note. 

Regards,  Carlos. 



by H. P. Blavatsky 

The outlook for the British Isles is hopelessly depressing. La boule 
à cancans ("Gossip ball"), as Anatole France calls our mother earth, 
is losing her spin, and the Cosmic dynamo is emptying itself. The 
worst of all is, that we do not know whom to hold responsible. What 
ails the divine COSMOCRATORES? India is exporting her 
superfluous "monsoon clouds" to Europe via Port Said, and the rain-
God seems to have permanently established his sprinkling machine 
over Great Britain. Siberia sends her hyperborean frosts to the 
southwards, and herself flirts with the tropics. Kangaroos have 
appeared in Surrey; and parrots may soon be heard warbling their saw-
filing staccato, and birds of paradise sun their jewelled plumes on 
palm trees in Archangel. Everything evidently is upside down, the 
times are out of joint, and the screws of the Cosmic "Carpenter" are 
working loose. In vain our men of Science waste their Greek and 
Latin over the problem. What is it, what can the matter be? What 
makes all this sidereal and terrestrial "tohu-bohu" à la mode, of 
Chaos? The Globe is shrinking, we hear; and the firmament thickening 
with foreign matter of all sorts. The ceaseless soot and smoke from 
millions of chimneys, furnaces, railway engines and other fires may 
perchance have angered the Powers above. Naturally enough, for they 
must object to being smoked out of their Svargas and Valhallas and 
other pleasant detached Elysiums, by the products of incomplete fuel-
combustion. As for our poor mother Earth, what with the ever 
extending mines, canals, and tunnels, aqueducts, drains, sewers and 
subways, her venerable hide is becoming so honey-combed as to 
resemble the skin of a morphiomaniac addicted to subcutaneous 

How long she will suffer her robust flanks to be thus scarified, who 
can tell? The astrologer on the staff of the Pall Mall Gazette has 
just prophesied that October will bring us terrible disasters, 
floods, houses falling and earthquakes.

Woe to London if the latter should happen, for at the first strong 
shock every tall mansion within the seismic area will crumble into 
its own basement and cellar; at the second all the streets sink into 
the subways; and at the third the four and a half millions of 
houseless people will find themselves hoisted into cerulean space, 
en route for the starry land of Silence, by the explosion of all the 
gas, steam, dynamite and other expansive products of modern 
ingenuity. We doubt if there will be a sufficient number of ready-
made wings and golden harps in stock against the dies irae. But it 
is at least consoling to feel that there will be ample fire and 
brimstone for all who are "predestined" by God to migrate to 
tropical regions. 


For myself I confess my utter incapacity to know where this exact 
line will be drawn. (....) 



[ See more of HPB Notes in the volume ten of her 'Collected 
Writings', at
m ] 

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