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The Law of Dharma & Karma

Dec 27, 2006 01:11 PM
by carlosaveline

A 2004 text entitled "Karma and Dharma" and published in India starts thus: 
"The two words which make up the title of this article have perhaps the longest history of all philosophical and religious terms. They are age-old as words, but as ideas their life is still older. If we were to read history from the mystical or occult point of view, we would trace the curve of cycles according to the rise and fall of the real understanding of these two terms. Dharma and Karma, if rightly understood and rightly applied, make a person's life prosper, spiritually speaking; a misunderstanding, a faulty application, and the person falls from the heaven of Spirit into the hell of matter. What is true of the individual is also true of nations. Right conception of Dharma and Karma builds a wonderfully prosperous civilization; wrong views make the world err and blunder and sin. These words provide a single key by which we get at the meaning of the sorry condition of our civilization. The Dharma of our civilization is expressed in one word—competition; and Karma expresses itself in desire for status quo on the part of the rich, and in lawlessness on the part of those who want to become rich (...) "

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Regards,   Carlos. 

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