Dec 19, 2006 06:29 AM
by cardosoaveline
"TTM" magazine said in April 2003:
"In his article, "Theosophical Study and Work," Mr. Judge gives many
important hints and ideas that are as applicable to the students of
today as they were in 1890 when the article was written. It has been
reprinted in The Heart Doctrine. Two other articles on the same
subject, reprinted in Vernal Blooms, also provide much food for
thought; these two are: "Of Studying Theosophy" and "Much Reading,
Little Thought." Inasmuch as a study of Theosophy, as also its
application and promulgation, is the duty of present-day students,
if H.P.B.'s injunction in the closing portion of her Key to
Theosophy is to be carried out, it is as well that we pause and
think just what the study of Theosophy implies."
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Best regards and peace within as Christmas gets near,
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