Dec 16, 2006 03:36 AM
by Carl Ek
I still say that this is based on a wrong mix up between the
Clermont Chapter and the Jacobin propaganda central in Clermont, and
a believe in that Starck's influence on Masonry was larger when it
relay was. All facts were not public when IU was written, but it is
that today. Consider that.
And read "My Books" by H.P. Blavatsky. IU is not a history book.
"�Isis was full of misprints and misquotations�"
--- In, "carlosaveline"
<carlosaveline@...> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> In "Isis Unveiled", after a few pages describing the process by
which the Jesuits infiltrated secret societies
> which were dedicated to esoteric wisdom, H.P. Blavatsky quotes a
historian with whom she agrees, on the
> infiltration of Masonry by the Vatican:
> " `And yet,' says Rebold, `notwithstanding the confusion they had
created (1736-72), the Jesuits had
> accomplished but one of their designs, viz.: denaturalizing and
bringing into disrepute the Masonic
> Institution. Having succeeded, as they believed, in destroying it
in one form, they were determined to use it
> in another. (...) In this combination Catholicism governed all,
and the whole fabrications moved upon wheels,
> representing the great object for which the Society of Jesus was
organized.' (`General History of
> Freemansonry', p. 218)" (1)
> And two pages later HPB writes:
> "The simple truth is that modern Masonry is a sadly different
thing from what the once universal secret
> fraternity was in the days when the Brahma-worshippers of the AUM
exachanged grips and passwords with the
> devotees of TUM (...)." (2)
> Best regards, Carlos.
> (1) "Isis Unveiled", H.P. Blavatsky, T.U.P., Pasadena, CA, USA,
vol I, see p. 385.
> (2) "Isis Unveiled", H.P. Blavatsky, T.U.P., p. 387.
> ooooooooooooooooo
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