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Dec 16, 2006 03:08 AM
by Carl Ek

I have an original copy of Cagliostro's diary printed by the Grand 
Orient in Rome 1796 (plus the Swedish translation which was 
published in the same year by the Grand Land Lodge of Sweden, I 
bought them both at the same action in Stockholm same years ago 
arranged by the Swedish Masonic Lodge of Research (C.F. Eckleff in 
Uppsala), and that is very clear on this matter. 

The "Hermetic Brotherhood of Egypt" (which was the original form of 
that that later would be called the Misraïm Rite) was founded 1784 
in Strasburg (Cagliostro live in Strasburg that year). This 
Order/Rite was a part of his work, on reforming the European 
Masonry. Cagliostro's activity in Lyon was something totally 
different. He when there with the purpose too try too find a Mystery 
School (on a lower level, but still a Mystery School), with the Lyon 
based Martinists. The later Martinists have often claimed that what 
later was called the Egyptian Rite was founded in Lyon in a way too 
try create a direct link them between. 

The Vatican process I have in first original printing in Latin with 
French translation. 


--- In, "carlosaveline" 
<carlosaveline@...> wrote:
> Carl,
> You said in a posting yesterday that the authentic Egyptian Rite 
was not established at Lyon by Cagliostro.   In  writing this, if 
this was not a joke,  you are but sharing with us your  absence of 
> The  "Centre International de Recherches et d'Etudes 
Martinistes",  in France,  published in 1995 the bye-laws of  
the  "Lodge of the Triumphant Wisdom":   "Status et règlement de la 
R. L. De la Sagesse triomphant".  
> The  document explains right in  its first lines that this lodge 
of Egyptian  Masonry was founded "in  the Orient of  Lyon"  by 
the `Great Copt'  (Cagliostro).   It says that the lodge of the 
Triumphant Wisdom is the mother lodge, the  "loge mère de la Haute 
Maçonnerie égyptienne pour L'Orient ert pour  l'Occident, constitué 
telle et fondée à l'orient de Lyon par le Grand Copte [sic] , 
foundateur et grand maitre de la Haute Maçonnerie égyptienne dans 
toutes les parties orientales et occidentales du globe." (1) 
> This is a most obvious and well-documented  fact in the history of 
Occultism.   Nearly anyone who heard about Cagliostro is aware of 
that. Robert Amadou, in his book "Cagliostro et le rituel de la 
Maçonnerie égyptienne", writes: 
> "At the same year 1784,  the Great Copt established at Lyon the 
Egyptian Masonry..."
> Or, if you prefer: 
> "La même année 1784, le Grand  Cophte établit à Lyon la Maçonnerie 
égyptienne, son ordre en règle ..." (2) 
> You should take a look at the Ritual of the Egyptian Masonry, 
or  "Rituel de la Maçonnerie Egyptienne, annoté par le Docteur Marc 
Haven et precedé d'une introduction de Daniel Nazir", Édition des 
Cahiers Astrologiques, Nice, 1947, 143 pp. 
> Later on C. W. Leadbeater made some idiotic thing – a "mummery" as 
HPB would probably say –  under the name of "Egyptian Rite". 
> As to Cagliostro, you should study  his  great biography  written 
by Marc Haven, a copy of which you can get from an old edition 
available  at the Library of the Adyar TS, in India;  or you may buy 
a more recent edition in France: "CAGLIOSTRO, Le Maître Unconnu", 
Dr. Marc Haven,   Editions Dervy, Paris, 1995,  320 pp.  
> There are several other works in  my home library on Cagliostro, 
including the Vatican  process against him.  In  English language, 
one has  W.R.H. Trowbridge's book  "Cagliostro" which was published 
by Kessinger Publishing, LCC, USA. 
> The similarities between the lives of  Cagliostro and HPB are 
great, if not remarkable;   and I have a record of quite a few of 
> In August 1885,   HPB wrote  to Mr. Sinnett  that for some reason 
a disciple of the Masters had recently gone to the old Vatican  
prison where Cagliostro was held: 
> "In Rome, Darbargiri Nath went to the prison of Cagliostro at the 
Fort `Sant Angelo', and remained in the terrible hole for more than 
an hour. What he did there, would give Mr. Hodgson the ground work 
for another `scientific' report if he could only investigate the 
fact." (3)   
> A Messenger in the end of 18th century, and a Messenger in the end 
of 19th century. 
> Regards,    Carlos. 
> (1) See the periodical publication  "L'Esprit des Choses",  edited 
by the "Centre International de Recherches et d'Etudes Martinistes", 
Guerigny, France,  number 4, 1995, p. 120. 
> (2) "Cagliostro et le rituel de la Maçonnerie égyptienne", Robert 
Amadou,  "L'Internel", Les Édition SEPP,  1996, Paris, 118 pp., see 
p. 11.  
> (3) "The Letters of  H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett", TUP, 
Pasadena, CA, USA,  1973, 404 pp., see Letter XLVI,  p. 110. 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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