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Spiritual Unity

Dec 14, 2006 01:00 PM
by carlosaveline


An interesting article in the ULT monthly magazine "The Theosophical Movement", entitled  "Spiritual Basis for
Unity", says: 

"The world in many respects has become one, owing to air travel and the rapid spread of news�the products of
our modern civilization. When we probe deeper, however, we see that the divisions of class, caste, races, etc.,
still play a vital part in our society. This is true no matter where we look in the world; no one land, no one
country can be held up as an example of unity or brotherhood, though it is implicit in the constitutions of many."

And it mentions Damodar:

"One of the earliest exponents in the Theosophical world advocating the elimination of these differences was
Damodar K. Mavalankar. In the May 1880 issue of The Theosophist he published his article, or, as he termed it,
his "statement of personal belief," entitled "Castes in India." It has since been reprinted in U.L.T. Pamphlet
No. 4. While it is addressed to Indians, and deals with the caste system as it exists in India, the article
lays down for everyone the correct principles and basis for not only universal brotherhood, but also
intelligent patriotism." 

See more clicking at

Regards,   Carlos. 

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