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Dec 13, 2006 08:01 PM
by Carl Ek


You posted the following quote:

"As far as we are concerned, disciples of the Masters of the Orient 
as we are, we have nothing to do with modern Masonry."

B.C.W. vol. XI, p.  181

Consider the following quote:

"If asked how a profane can know it [Masonry] the answer comes, 
ancient and modern Freemasonry are an obligatory study with every 
Eastern Occultist."

B.C.W. vol XI, p. 71

As you said:"Is this clear?"

We have here I perfect case, there HPB was contradicting her self. 
So the question is way? 

You which are pretty anti-Masonic are basing your opinion on the 
first quote, I as a Mason is basing my opinion on the second one. 
The most important thought from this is NOT what HPB's opinion on 
Masonry was, it is way she was contradicting her self on a quit 
important matter, as one can think if one have no knowledge in 
Masonry. But I don't see that way. Modern "Modern Masonry" (not to 
be confused with "The Modern Grand Lodge of England" during the 
second half of the 18th century) which is mostly to be found in 
today, and when HPB wrote those words, in the US (its Craft Masonry, 
the York Rite etc), has no esoteric or philosophical value, what so 
ever (ritials or not, dosen't matter when it comes to this). In my 
opinion is this kind of masonry worthless. The mane reason for this 
is the infiltration by Protestant Christens (and NOT Catholic 
Jesuits), like Methodist, Episcopalians, Baptists and Lutherans, in 
the Modern American Masonry and their supporters in several places 
worldwide (manly in Eastern Europe and Asia). 

Ancient and modern Freemasonry exists both and most clearly be held 
separated, as I have wrote here about before.

--- In, "carlosaveline" 
<carlosaveline@...> wrote:
> Carl,
> H. P. Blavatsky wrote:   
> "As far as we  are concerned,  disciples of the Masters of the 
Orient as we are, we have nothing to do with modern Masonry." (1) 
> Is that clear?  Although having nothing to do with ritualism, HPB 
and the theosophists had  friendly relations with some of the 
members of the Masonry. 
> Regards,   Carlos. 
> NOTE: 
> (1) "A Danger Signal", a text published in the "HPB Collected 
Writings", TPH, India/USA, 1973, volume XI, p. 181. 
> O o o O o o O o o O 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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