Re: Theos-World Reading -- And Thinking
Dec 13, 2006 03:46 PM
by Cass Silva
Both Carl and I cannot see any link, perhaps you need to re-read it.
carlosaveline <> wrote: Cass,
Take a slower reading at it, then.
Data:Tue, 12 Dec 2006 16:03:50 -0800 (PST)
> I had a quick read of it but couldn't find the link, perhaps you could post what you are referring to Carlos.
> Cass
> cardosoaveline wrote:
> Friends,
> In the posting below, "Sufilight" explains what he meant by the
> Jesuitic presence in Caldwell's website.
> I don't remember Mr. Caldwell having "time" to answer it so far,
> but I may be wrong. Perhaps Mr. Caldwell will explain himself now,
> if he is not too busy repeting old stuff about theosophical
> difficulties and misunderstandings in the first part of the 20th
> century.
> Carlos.
> ooooooooooooooooooo
> Thu, 20 Apr 2006 23:08:26 +0200
> Re: Theos-World To Sufilight: Jesuits Online?
> Hallo Carlos and all,
> My views are:
> There is as far as I can tell not much info about the Jesuits on the
> Caldwell website
> As we know, the Jesuits are today the most dangerous group which
> the theosophists face.
> It seems strange, that the Caldwell website devotes more info on
> internal debates between various theosophists disagreements and
> fractions disagreements and the like, than it does on the real
> enemies, namely the Jesuits. But maybe the dangerous enemies are
> already inside the gates of Theosophical teachings in the Caldwell
> camp.
> Let me reformulate and say:
> I am not just looking after quotes from wellknown theosophists on a
> theosophical website, but I am seeking that
> Daniel Caldwell's website and Daniel himself take a moral stance on
> his website on the Jesuit issue.
> There is way to little info on the Jesuits on Caldwells website.
> Well, that is just little me, and my views and I do not even claim
> that I have a Ph. D. or a M.A.D or anything like that.
> Did this help?
> I will add som quotes in the below so to promote a present
> theosophical stance on the matter.
> - - -
> I will one more time repeat what Blavatsky said.
> An excerpt:
> THEOSOPHY OR JESUITISM? written by Blavatsky
> "Theosophy and Jesuitism are the two opposite poles, one far above,
> the other far below even that stagnant marsh. Both offer power--one
> to the spiritual, the other to the psychic and intellectual Ego in
> man. The former is "the wisdom that is from above . . . pure,
> peaceable, gentle . . . full of mercy and good fruits, without
> partiality and without hypocrisy," while the latter is "the wisdom
> that descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, DEVILISH."3
> One is the power of Light, the other that of Darkness.
> . . ."
> (Published in Lucifer 1888)
> H. P. Blavatsky says:
> "The words "Jesuit" and "Jesuitism" cover the whole ground. The
> Spirit of Truth has departed ages ago - if it has ever been near
> it - from the Church of Rome. "
> Background on The Vatican's Secret Archives
> "In 1881, thanks to the generosity of Leo XIII, scholars were
> allowed free access to the Vatican Secret Archives, thus becoming
> one of the most important historical research centres in the world."
> Excerpts from The Vatican's statement on The essential matrix of
> New Age thinking:
> "19th century esotericism is seen by some as completely
> secularised.
> Alchemy, magic, astrology and other elements of traditional
> esotericism had been thoroughly integrated with aspects of modern
> culture, including the search for causal laws, evolutionism,
> psychology and the study of religions.
> It reached its clearest form in the ideas of Helena Blavatsky, a
> Russian medium who founded the Theosophical Society with Henry
> Olcott in New York in 1875."
> ...and also...
> "However, it is well to be aware that the doctrine of the Christ
> spread in New Age circles is inspired by the theosophical teachings
> of Helena Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy and Alice
> Bailey's "Arcane School".
> Their contemporary followers are not only promoting their ideas
> now, but also working with New Agers to develop a completely new
> understanding of reality, a doctrine known by some observers
> as "New Age truth"."
> ...and also...
> "A prominent component of Mrs. Blavatsky's writings was the
> emancipation of women, which involved an attack on the "male" God
> of Judaism, of Christianity and of Islam. She urged people to
> return to the mother-goddess of Hinduism and to the practice of
> feminine virtues. This continued under the guidance of Annie
> Besant, who was in the vanguard of the feminist
> movement. Wicca and "women's spirituality" carry on this struggle
> against "patriarchal" Christianity today."
> nts/rc_pc_interelg_doc_20030203_new-age_en.html
> Help us all:
> I would really like, as many comments on ALL the statements this
> link in the above makes about The Theosophical Society, theosophy
> and Blavatsky.
> These comments could then, by someone, later be formed into an
> answer to the Vatican and the Pope - and also a relevant newspaper
> or magazine (perhaps Der Spiegel.)
> This is theosophical thinking. It is much better than internal
> nitpickings about who has written a lousy book about Theosophy or
> theosophy.
> Just ask. I might be able to help you.
> from
> M. Sufilight with peace and love...
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "carlosaveline"
> To: "theos-talk"
> Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 9:13 PM
> Subject: Theos-World To Sufilight: Jesuits Online?
> Dear Sufilight,
> Can you explain this question of yours addressed to Daniel?
> "So Daniel, What do you have to say about the Jesuits online on your
> websites, - ???"
> I missed something here...
> Thanks a lot, Sufilight,
> Carlos.
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