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Duane's phoney reference

Dec 09, 2006 01:22 PM
by Mark Jaqua

Re Duane's Tulku, etc.

   Duane, I think you have eaten too 
many soy muffins, or something.  Were 
does HPB say:

"Radiatory presence or what HPB designates 
as the nature of 'tulku'"

   Can you supply a reference?  This 
is plain BS, which you made up, and I 
think you are chanelling your "Master."  
Fine - you can do whatever you want - 
but don't hook it up with Blavatsky and 
theosophy.  There are not enough "masters" 
around to suffuse every self-deluded 
person with their 'radiatory presence."  
But there ARE enough phoney masters, 
dugpas, elementaries, entities to do so, 
and that is what they do all the time! 
The good guys are waaay out-numbered. 
The "Amount of energy" doesn't have 
anything to do with anything good at 
all - an evil person following the 
right process (living clean, for one 
thing) can generate enough to knock 
your socks off, if it/he/she knows what 
they are doing.  Ramana Duane's channeling 
reposted below.  (He probably uses the 
"D-" when he is channelling his tutulary bug.

          - jake j.


<6. Tulku and the Historian
    Posted by: "Duane Carpenter" 
    Date: Fri Dec 8, 2006 5:40 am ((PST))

   <If Spiritual teachers give what seems as
contradictory information 
on certain teachings there may be several reasons for
this. One, they 
<are often speaking to students who may be at vastly
different levels of 
<developement. Hence the need to simplify or make more
complex certain 
aspects of the spiritual teachings. This is also why
advanced work of 
this type needs privacy. Some observer who is trying
to evaluate the 
<interlectual truthfuness, clearity, or consistency of
a Masters teachings  
from outside the context in which these teachings are
given may 
<completely misunderstand. Radiatory presence or what
HPB designates as  the 
nature of"tulku" simply translated means the Masters
energy field which 
<accounts for most of what transpires between a
student and teacher. 
<Without an understanding or first hand exsperience of
this Radiatory 
prescence the Masters teachings are often seen by
casual <observers   as mere 
interlectual discoarses. This is also why many Masters
and senior
 adepts can often be seen meditating in complete
silence with <their 
students. Here without interruption they are letting
their Fiery prescence 
do the neccessary inner work on their disciples or
students. For some 
<casual observer looking mainly for the historical
facts of any type of 
esoteric work in this  Master student exchange will
naturally fail to 
<see this deeper truth. This is sort of like trying to
catch water in a 
net. Everytime you lift the net the  illusive nature
of the water slips 
<through the mesh and what remains is whatever our
lower minds have been 
trained to see in the apparent emptyness. The Buddha
grasped this 
interresting paradox when he stated that "In the
market place the thief sees 
only the pockets of the Master". The lower mind is
very adapt and 
adroit at  reinforcing its own limited beliefs on any
given subject that it 
<doesn't understand or cannot fathom.  It is upon the
inner planes that 
the real magic resides and it is from here that true
 transformation or initiation can take place to those
who are fortunate 
enough or through good karma are able to resides
within Masters energy 
field. The wonderious but hidden workings of Adepts
and Masters are a 
<science of energy transference which may seem highly
suspicious or even 
contraditory  to those outside of this subjective
process. The fact 
remains that you cannot pin down to simple texts or
mental analises that 
which is taking place on far deeper levels then the
lower mind can go or 
penetrate. It is not for nothing that HPB has said
that "the mind is 
<the slayer of the real" 
   Blessings  D- ..........>


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