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Tillett might be interested to know what questions are bizarre

Dec 08, 2006 09:42 AM
by danielhcaldwell

Tillett might be interested to 
know what questions are bizarre

Mr. Aveline writes:

I must say that some of Dr. Tillett's questions to the ULT sound like
bizarre to me. Perhaps if you ask bizarre questions you run the risk
of getting bizarre answers.

Gregory Tillett might even be interested to know what questions
he asked that were "bizarre".

But I guess we will never .

Mr. Aveline tells us that "Perhaps if you ask bizarre questions you 
run the risk of getting bizarre answers."

So if we knew why the questions were bizarre and only "deserved" 
bizarre answers, then maybe Tillett could rephrase them in a 
more "normal" way and maybe get "normal" answers instead of bizarre 

Will Mr. Aveline let Tilette know so the questions can be rephrased?


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