Re: Theos-World "I believe Judge had a good sense of,things when he wrote..."?????
Dec 05, 2006 04:18 PM
by Cass Silva
Hi Duane,
I agree with all you have written, in my case, the on-going debates with Carlos are a way of me indulging my ego, which of course, as you say, leads no-where. I have studied a little of Sufism, and love the wisdom wrapped in simplicity. I would very much like to see your work.
Duane Carpenter <> wrote: Bruce,,
Thank you for your most recent posts. The mental plane we are taught in Theosophy has a number of different levels and you can always tell when someone in the group is operating on the higher sub-planes - Their thoughts shine forth like a beacon of Light in an otherwise fogging atmosphere. Theosophy is about principals and one of the key purposes of the interlect should be to interpret, qualify and step down these archetypal truths for the benefit of oneself and others in the group. If the interlect becomes to mired in detail at the exspense of this greater Manasic light time that could have been devoted to other more important things is lost. I understand the importance of getting the facts straight and bringing what appears to be some degree of justice or understnding to Theosohical history. One must be careful not to perpetuate the very energy that created much of this controversy to begin with. "Energy follows thought" is a occult law where we actually can so
energize our thinking along certain lines that thoughts can take on a life of there own and live way beyond our original intention. What if what we say or have written right now today will become tomorrows Theosophical history would it change anything?. In fact it most assuredly will.. (The early use of the internet, bloggs, talks etc. for the dissemination of Theosophical teachings) What part did you play in the magic of this new emerging technology and medium? Are we making history just as fast as we try to understand history? .Are we compromising the quality of the future for what we may erroniously feel is the importance of the past? The only difference between yesterdays history and tomorrows history is time and since we are taught Theosophically that time does not really exist and the two are intimately connected into one seamless reality should we not all take care in what we do or say?. Alas! my past sins on this subject are many and my path strewn with
many skulls. My proverbial closet has so many skeletons in it there is not room for so much a a one thin umbrella. And so it is with authority that unfortunately I speak on some of these matters. As I have advanced in years I find time is precious and one must temper there thoughts and exchanges not only with what we see as interlectual lucidity but Love as well. Love of the teachings, Love of Life and a Love for the opportunity to serve and share with others. Are these mere idle sentiments of which I speak? or the underlying fabic of what IS and where we may all be going consciously or unconsciously in our journey through life.
Mark assuming your past post about lies and deception and DC is a refererence to me. I haven't seen anyone else with those intitals on Theos-talk so it must be to me you are addressing. Thank you for the wisdom quote of Judge that you recently posted. I know I am full of myself at times. Yes I do believe I have much to learn from you and other Theosophist who work through this site. Please be patient and give me time...and no I am not hacking into your computer system to delete unsaviory comments that you are about to post about me.
Why the inqusition over Cass's statements about when she began her studies in Theosophy. Gee! it will not be long long now before all these occult photographic minds who post on this site find the inconsistencies in my thinking which no doubt abounds. Mark, perhaps its just premature Alzhiemers disease on my part and not some grand conspiracy to take over this webb site with Bailey "BS" Such is the nature of kama-manas. The lower mind fused with the astral nature is like a Dog chasing its own tail. Around and around it goes thinking all the while that it is gaining. Everyone who posts here should step back and take a good long look at their contribution. Study, service, harmlessness and meditation will win the day and may be a more dependable ally on our march towards perfection then constant criticism and intolerance of others thoughts and ideas that may be different then ours. A thousand isolated facts divorced from harmlessness and sense of compassion will never win
an arguement. Why is that so? because every participant in the interlectual merry-go-round has invested their lifes study and reputation.
I am an artist who has devoted some time to the study of color and Divine Geometry. I am also a student of Sufi Mysticism and have put a number of poems by Rumi and Hafiz's to color and symbolic renderings. I would like to post several of them here with the groups permission. Mark if you are out there reading this they are not pictures of the tooth faiery and here on this website you may get to see what you designate as my "whoppers" in full color.
Blessings to the group. D-
A short extract from the book The Voice of the Silence, Being extracted from The Book of the Golden Precepts (Quest) pgs 16-17
Silence thy thoughts and fix thy attention on thy Master whom yet thou dost not see, but whom thou feelest.
Merge into one sense thy senses, if thou would'st be secure against the foe...
Long and weary is the way before thee, O Disciple.
One single thought about the past that thou hast left behind,
will drag thee down and thou wilt have to start the climb anew.
Kill in thyself all memory of past exsperiences. Look not behind or thou art lost...
...The pupil must regain the child-state he has lost 'ere
the first sound can fall upon his ear. HPB
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