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The Movement and The Source

Dec 05, 2006 11:56 AM
by carlosaveline


"The Theosophical Movement has been described as ethical, moral, universal, invisible and continuous. It is invisible, but its presence is felt through the effects produced. It is continuous. The present Movement, for our era and generation, was launched in 1875 in the city of New York by H. P. Blavatsky. But in its timeless aspect we can trace it back century by century to find that it began far back in the night of time."

So says a 2004 article in the magazine "The Theosophical Movement". 

It goes on: 

"In the third century A.D. Ammonius Saccas, who made an effort to bring together various conflicting religions and sects by showing that they were in possession of the same truth, used the word "Theosophy." Jacob Boehme's work in Germany, Count St. Martin and St. Germain's efforts in France, as also Luther's reformation of the church and the work done by Thomas Paine in influencing the great American Revolution, form part of this Movement. It is neither Eastern nor Western, but was started in the Spiritual World above. Hence, we say that the Masters or Adepts are behind this Movement. But is it only with U.L.T. [United Lodge of Theosophists] that the Masters are concerned?" (...) 

You can see the rest of this enlightening text at

Best regards,  Carlos. 


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