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ULT = Theosophy Co.

Dec 04, 2006 06:00 PM
by carlosaveline


I chose to talk about esoteric tradition as a whole, of which the ULT is a part.  So what?  I write about what I please, as I please,  and you must respect that and not adulterate my words. I answer questions in my own words and this must be accepted as such.   Carlos.


Data:Mon, 04 Dec 2006 16:54:16 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World esoteric tradition = ULT = Theosophy Co. = DES ???????

> esoteric tradition = ULT = Theosophy Co. = DES ???????
> Gregory Tillett was asking specfic questions about the ULT,
> Theosophy Company and DES, and then apparently in
> reply [???] Carlos Aveline launches off into this
> long-winded explanation about the esoteric tradition and one
> paragraph reads:
> "Respected researchers can get anxious because the esoteric tradition 
> does not open all of its texts, archives and information to them and 
> to the public."
> Is this statement by Mr. Aveline in response to Dr. Tillett's 
> SPECIFIC questions about ULT, Theosophy Co. and DES???
> Is Mr. Aveline in this posting trying to equate "esoteric tradition" 
> with these organizations mentioned by Tillett?
> esoteric tradition = ULT = Theosophy Co. = DES ???????
> Daniel

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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