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ULT Archives & Authorities

Dec 04, 2006 05:41 AM
by carlosaveline


Thanks.   These are good questions. 

The ULT, being an informal  and not centralized network of students present in some 15 countries, is not necessarily easy to understand. 

What we have are rather independent initiatives, here and there,  from persons who are associates (not members) of the ULT.   

Perhaps,  in order to at least partially understand that,  we might study a little bit the esoteric tradition as a whole, of which the ULT is but a partial  expression and an aspect.  

One can see and "get" some of the fruits of the tree, yet the tree itself is rather difficult to catch, to label, to classify and to study in a conventional way, at the level of the three dimensional world. 

The words above, for instance, are not something coming from the ULT, therefore they have no "official" or formal value, but they describe a couple of perceptions from one who is an ULT associate. Nothing more than that.   

Perhaps people expect the ULT should be a formal corporation, as other theosophical initiatives are; then they get disappointed because it is not.   

As to projecting this or that negative images on the ULT, just because the ULT is not a corporation and because one feels one does not know enough about it, it is really a projection not scuentific knowledge.  Psychoanalysis has described how most projections work. 

Not everything which we ignore is necessarily bad or authoritarian. On the other hand, not every human initiative that publicizes itself and seems to be outwardly and formally "accountable" is authentic. Often not, indeed. 

So, jumping into conclusions about the ULT might be unfair to one's own intelligence.  

Accepting that we do not know that which we do not know is both scientifically and philosophically correct. 

Those who get impatient about the ULT might as well attack the Mystics and Sages who now silently accompany mankind, and then accuse them based on the fact that they do not come down to the public opinion in order to explain  and reveal everything they are doing for our mankind, etc.  Or one might conclude that, as these Sages don't show up, and don't issue press releases, they necessarily don't exist, and so on.  I am inclined to think that this is not quite scientific in method. 

I am willing to discuss the subject,  and may come back to it. 

In a separate email, I will submit something else to Dr. Tillett.

Regards,  Carlos.


Data:Mon, 4 Dec 2006 16:47:41 +1100 (EST)

Assunto:Theos-World ULT Archives and Authorities

> Perhaps someone from the ULT might answer the following inquiries:
> If I wish to undertake research in the archives of the ULT (as I have done
> in the archives of Adyar and Pt Loma) who whom do I apply for permission?
> Given that the ULT has no organization and no officers or authorities, I
> presume there is no-one to whom a request for access can be addressed.
> Does this also mean that there are no archives? or that any archives are
> the private property of the person possessing them? or the corporate
> property of the Theosophy Company? Or if I have enquiries about the DES,
> to whom should these be addressed? Or does that organization have no
> officials or authorities either?
> In response to Daniel's inquiry regarding my comments on "non-existent
> authorities", I would only add that unacknowledged authorities have
> greater power (and are therefore more dangerous) because they are by
> definition unanswerable for their actions and, presumably, cannot be
> challenged, questioned or removed. I would be interested to know how the
> officials of the Theosophy Company are appointed, for example.
> As far as secret societies go, it is always a source of higher personal
> status to belong to a group of which no-one else knows anything! The
> history of inner groups, and inner groups of inner groups (ad infinitum!)
> is one of personal aggrandizment and the accumulation of (meaningless)
> claims of superiority over the "common herd". Being able to deny knowledge
> of or entry into any society seems to give some strange people an enormous
> sense of power and importance.
> Dr Gregory Tillett

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