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Dec 03, 2006 07:51 AM
by carlosaveline

Dear Friends,
By mid-seventies, Adm. Carl Stillman  of Atlanta, USA, wrote a ground-breaking letter to the directors of  the NASA.  
Mr. Stillman told the authorities that the spacecraft Viking Lander should meet a physical plane civilization in Mars. The reason is that an important clairvoyant named Charles Leadbeater had personally visited the planet, in higher levels of consciousness. 
In 1976, “The American Theosophist”, the magazine of the Adyar TS in the USA, published this spectacular note:  
“In a recent letter to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Adm. Carl F. Stillman of Atlanta reported the research of C. W. Leadbeater on the environment and inhabitants of  the planet Mars, as outlined in his book THE INNER LIFE.  Determined to be on record as to Leadbeater’s research, Adm. Stillman wrote NASA relative to the Viking Landers now on their way to Mars, with the idea  that the transmissions from the spacecraft may scientifically verify Leadbeater’s investigations.  To quote from his letter:  ‘This letter is being given ample distribition primarily to provide NASA with information that may help make the project a  success, but secondarily to demonstrate -- before the fact -- that exploration of our sister planets can be reliably  . . . . explored through man’s higher senses’.”  (1) 
For some reason, though, the NASA directors failed to confirm Leadbeater’s imaginative “findings” about Mars.   
Leadbeater could talk everyday to “Lord Christ” and to “St. Germain”. He  proudly announced in all certainty that Christ was coming back -- and that he would eliminate all wars and establish a perpetual peace since the very beginning of  20th century.  
Best regards,   Carlos. 
(1) “Misleading Mayavic Ideations - The Neo-Theosophy of C. W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant”, by Ray Morgan,  a pamphlet independently published, 1976, 43 pp., see page 24. 

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