Crosbie's Life
Dec 03, 2006 04:38 AM
by carlosaveline
Carl, Daniel,
Please go ahead trying to exaggerate the past differences of perspective between Pasadena/Point Loma and the ULT, which are, of course, of scarce real importance nowadays.
So far you have not been able to see the central fact that, while all HPB/Judge/Masters groups and institutions share a common Philosophy, a part of the Adyar TS (not all of it) is still trapped in the Leadbeaterian illusions and fancies whhich lead into a completely different direction.
Perhaps in due time you will get to a more philosophic perspective of things.
In one thing I agree with you, though: Robert Crosbie is of great importance to the movement ( along with other 20th century theosophists of different groups and organizations) .
Regards, Carlos.
Data:Sat, 02 Dec 2006 18:39:17 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World To Carl Ek: An impartial - not imaginary - sketch of Crosbie's life
> To Carl Ek: An impartial - not imaginary -
> sketch of Crosbie's life
> Carl,
> Thanks for reproducing the article on Crosbie from The Theosophical
> Forum, July 1936, pp. 76-77.
> I beleive this was the official magazine of the Point Loma
> Theosophical Society while G. de Purucker was leader.
> I quote just a small but significant excerpt from this article:
> ============================================================
> Is it just to Robert Crosbie to ignore these Statements of historic
> fact, or to suppress them? They help to complete the true picture
> and must be included in an irrpartial [impartial] - not imaginary -
> sketch of Crosbie's life.
> Let it be remembered that Robert Crosbie after the death of W. Q.
> Judge, publicly and privately expressed his devotion to and
> supported Katherine Tingley, and this continued until 1904, when for
> good cause he was requested to leave Headquarters.
> ==========================================================
> Just as we want an impartial - no imaginary - sketch of C.W.
> Leadbeater's life, we also want an impartial sketch of Robert
> Crosbie's life.
> For the life of me, I can't undertstand why Mr. Aveline is so much
> against an imaginary biographical account of Leadbeater and wants a
> impartial, accurate account of CWL and yet apparently at the same
> time shows no interest in having an impartial and accurate
> biographical account of Crosbie's life.
> I would think that you and I share a desire to have impartial
> accounts of both men's lives and not the imaginary ones that some of
> their followers have written and published!!
> Daniel
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