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R. Burnier & C. Aveline

Dec 02, 2006 06:42 AM
by carlosaveline


Thanks for bringing Radha's correspondence with me to our discussion. 

I am not saying you should not try to understand past events. I say there are more relevant things to do than repeating the same old gossips.   

As to Adyar, if it has started a CASE against William Judge, it should also clarify the issue, which was never properly addressed by them.  

The main difficulty with part of the Adyar TS, though, is the grave Leadbeaterian distortion of the theosophical teachings;  the very same teachings which were  preserved by the Point Loma Groups, the Pasadena TS, the ULT, etc, with the decisive help from part of the Adyar TS (as in the case of the "HPB Collected Writings").   

Regards,  Carlos. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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