Re Bailey's Initiations
Nov 30, 2006 06:38 AM
by Mark Jaqua
Re: Bailey's Initiations
Duane: Bailey was a two-bit medium
channeling a spook with endless confusing BS,
and making a buck riding on Blavatsky's
coat-tails. You ever compare what Bailey
writes with Real Blavatsky? Pasted
below is the Preface of Cleather and
Crump's "The Psuedo-Occultism of Alice
Bailey." As far as I think personally
- if you want to study Blavatsky, Welcome
& Wonderful! If you want to push Baily
- go to a Bailey site.
- jake j.
The following notes and comments
on two of Mrs. Bailey's principal works,
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, and Initiation,
Human and Solar, were undertaken at the
suggestion of Mr. J.C. Miller, of Manila,
a member of the Blavatsky Association, as
part of the work assigned to its Defence
Committee. That work, as we understand it,
includes such as was done in H.P. Blavatsky:
A Great Betrayal; and it will be seen that
the present notes are directed against
another aspect of the same movement. They
do not profess to be in any way complete,
but merely aim at drawing attention to a
few salient points which will at once strike
students familiar with H.P. Blavatsky's works.
We particularly wish to emphasize
that we have undertaken this extremely
distasteful task only from a strong sense
of our duty to the cause of H. P. Blavatsky
and her work. We have never met Mrs. Bailey,
and not having previously read any of
her books, we were unaware how closely
their general scheme and phraseology resemble
that of the Besant-Leadbeater "Neo-Theosophy"
which includes the Liberal Catholic Church
and World-Teacher propaganda. Both the
latter are more or less veiled attempts
to divert the pure stream of Oriental
Esoteric Philosophy, introduced to the
West by H.P. Blavatsky, into a definitely
Christian channel. This is
done partly by the substitution of
such terms as "God," "The Logos" (as a He),
"The Trinity," "The Master Jesus," etc.,
etc. At the same time, in Cosmic Fire an
astute endeavour is made, by copious
references to and quotations from H.P.
Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine, to convey
the impression that the former is a
continuation of the latter -in fact, a
"fragment of the Secret Doctrine" (Fore-word, x).
Even such a cursory examination as we
have had time to give, however, has
convinced us that there is little or
nothing in common between them. The
impression left on the mind is that of
a subtle attempt to substitute a specifically
Christian system for the universal one
of the Secret Doctrine, rather than
"confirming and amplifying" that marvelous
work, as admirers of Cosmic Fire have stated.
In a letter to the Occult Review, July 7,
1928, Mrs. Bailey denies that she ever
claimed that her alleged inspirer "The
Tibetan" with whom she has "cooperated
in producing" Cosmic Fire, Initiation,
etc., is one of the Masters of the
Trans-Himalayan Group. "It is the express
wish of the Tibetan," she declares,
"that his real name be withheld; it
is his desire that the books be studied
and valued on the basis of their own
intrinsic worth and by their appeal or
non-appeal to the intuition, and not
because any person presumes to claim
authority for them."
We have kept this injunction carefully
in mind, and have judged the statements
of the "Tibetan" strictly on their face
value. Further, Mrs. Bailey quotes what
she said so far back as February, 1923,
in her magazine The Beacon, about "the
blind credulity of a certain group who
accept any statement provided it is
backed by an Hierarchical claim of some
kind, and the narrow sectarianism which
would make a prophet out of H.P.B. and
a Bible out of the Secret Doctrine."
The first part of this extract applies
much more to the Besant-Leadbeater
doctrines and to Mrs. Bailey's own books
(which fairly bristle with implied, if
not expressed, "authority") than to the
Secret Doctrine. H.P.B.'s claim for that
work is couched in the words of Montaigne:
"I have here made only a nosegay of culled
flowers, and have brought nothing of my
own but the string that ties them"
(S. D. I., xivi.).
After all, what is there of "blind
credulity" and "narrow sectarianism"
in regarding H.P.B. as a "prophet" and
the S..D. as a "Bible" in the best
sense of those terms? Was she not a
true prophet and one who brought a
wonderful message entirely new to the
modern world? Where else is to be found
the gigantic and all-embracing threefold
system of evolution so clearly and convincingly
expounded in the S.D., supported by a wealth
of evidence from every imaginable source? The
work stands absolutely alone, unapproached
and unapproachable in our times; a monument
so great that it is even yet too near us to
be adequately appreciated. Its appeal
throughout is entirely to reason and never
to credulity. As Mr. Baseden Butt says in
the finest estimate yet written: "If these,
and her other writings were all produced
by Madame Blavatsky's unaided talent, she
must have possessed the intellectual
resources of at least three ordinary geniuses
. . . This amazing woman has handled with
the authentic tones of Authority the
profoundest, most vital and abstruse
subjects known to mankind" (Madame Blavatsky.
By G. Baseden Butt, London, Rider and Co.,
1926, p. 216)
Mrs. Bailey evidently considers that her
own works are to be judged on the same
level, for she continues: "It is high
time, therefore, that occult books should
be put forth and judged because of their
contents and not because this, that and
the other Master is supposed to be
responsible for them or because they
agree or disagree with the Secret Doctrine."
Mrs. Bailey's evident implication that
the S.D. was "put forth and judged" in
the latter sense is entirely false, as
any student with an intelligent understanding
of its contents will agree. That the
Masters M. and K.H assisted H.P.B. to
write it, as stated both by them and by
her (see Mahatma Letters, and her own
to Sinnett), makes no difference to one's
judgement of its value and immensity.
Unfortunately for Mrs. Bailey's disclaimer,
her "Tibetan Brother" is undoubtedly
believed by most of her followers to be
a member of the Trans-Himalayan Brotherhood,
as two of the most prominent in America
have themselves told us. The name Tibetan,
coupled with the assumption of practically
unlimited knowledge, inevitably suggest it.
Her books are full of pure assertions
concerning the Universe and it most
advanced beings which only a high Adept
could possess - if true, which in most
instances seems more than doubtful.
Finally, a most important claim made
by Mrs. Bailey in her Foreword to Cosmic
Fire, must not be overlooked. She says
(p. x): "It aims to provide a reasonably
logical plan of systemic evolution and
to indicate to man the part he must play
as an atomic unit in a great and
corporate whole."
Evidently, then, Mrs. Bailey and the
"Tibetan" consider the scheme of
evolution offered in the Secret Doctrine
as inadequate, and offer their own in
its place. Apart from the difficulty
of discovering anything "systemic" at
all in Cosmic Fire, it is quite clear
that the "Tibetan" (if he is really one)
is not in agreement with the Trans-Himalayan
Brotherhood. In that case one would
infer from what is said in the Mahatma
Letters that he may belong to the "Red
Capped Brothers of the Shadow" (see
Index under Dugpas). As K.H. says (p. 322):
"the opposition represents enormous
vested interests, and they have enthusiastic
help from the Dugpas - in Bhutan and
the Vatican!" Hence the Christian
terminology that characterizes some of
their efforts in the realm of Occultism.
- Alice Leighton Cleather
- Basil Crump
Peking, February, 1929
<4b. Initiations of the Masters
Posted by: "Duane Carpenter"
Date: Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:50 am ((PST))
<If you want to get a quick reference to some of the
Masters and their respective places in the Spiritual
Hierarchy and
initiations they have undergone go to
<Solar and Planetary Hierarchies - Chart
<If the chart doesn't come up go to the works of
Alice Bailey..............
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