Re: Theos-World Initiations of the Masters
Nov 30, 2006 03:28 AM
by Duane Carpenter
Hi Cass
Yes she does. Yet different groups have used that term in different ways depending on their spiritual affiliation and background.
Classical Theosophy teaches that the astral plane along with the other six that comprise the Cosmic Physical plane are made up of electrical substance. All seven planes being offsprings of Fohat or Cosmic electricity. Everthing in the universe that is visable or invisable is composed of tiny electrical and magnetic vibrations. All elemental substance from the tiny plant to the great Deva lords are composed of these electrical and magnetic waves.
I have been following this theos-talk group with some interrest and understand I may have missed some of the sequencing of statements and thoughts by a number of parties who have taken the time to participate. I also understnd that contexts is everything in human discussion and dialogue. If I overlook the obvious I apologize.
First let me say that in the study of Raja yoga as taught by Patanjali discernment is a quality of higher manas, higher manas is a quality of the soul, the soul or divine Jiva is a quality of Spiritual Will, Love and Higher intelligence. Judgement is a quality of kama-manas or lower mind and the astral nature. To discriminate, discern or evaluate from the soul level of higher mind does not bring any type of emotional judgement. We see the flaws, limitations or faults in the world or others but do not attach to that evaluation our personnel prejudices, biases or feelings. Some may argue that this place of indifference may be impossible to achieve while living amidst the mayhem, caos and confusion that is so characteristic of the three lower worlds of man and everyday life. But it is not and it is one of the first signs of soul awareness and opening of the Heart. Remember that the soul is three principals or forces of Atma, Buddhi and Higher manas. We may not be able to
know what is in the emotions of another person but when we are soul conscious we know what is in there Hearts-buddhi because there is only "One Heart" in which spiritually speaking all men live or reside. This life of Love is the only one true reality and shows clearly to those fortunate enought to reside on that higher plane that it is human emotions that throw a fog or miasma of confusion and darkness over most everthing. This is particularily true down here in the human kingdom. Most peoples motives are good, as ironically and paradoxically as this may sound, even when they do bad or evil. but once again that is the Kama-manas or lower mind and emotions distorting reality through personal maya, glamour and illusion. I have even read HPB stating Kama-manas, which technically are two seperate principals, are in the human kingdom often seen as one pricipal because they are so totally fused and blended. Observe within yourself with some degree of honesty how your
personal emotions interact with your thinking and this dilema will become obvious and clear. Does not how we feel often effect how we think on any given subject? Look at the world in is present state on a larger scale and you may see this Kama- manas working out. Each religion or political group full of biases and prejudices but claimming its unique place in history and its exclusive undersatnding of God, reality or truth. And yes Cass lord Maytreya or the Christ did come and embody a new principal of Love and compassion that would superceed the old laws of Karma or cause and effect.
Such bright minds working here through this theos-talk group. The research, the compilations the endless references. I am awed by the dedication and time spent.
I have several questions to leave with the group and it is only in the depths of their hearts and higher minds that these question can be answered with any honesty. Is this the very best that each disciple can give at this time historically in a world teetering on the brink of caos and disaster?. Are all these complex evaluations and splitting of hairs going to win the day and elevate the participants to the next level of there spiritual goal?. Is all this debate that is not without merit influencing a space which could be used for a broader and more inclusive purpose?
Please do not take anything here that I have shared with the group as a criticism. Many of the minds working through theos-talk group are far more intelligent and know far more about the technicalities of classical theosophy then I. So many years and so many life-times devoted to the search for truth and self understanding.
Blessings to you and this group and may the light of Buddhi shine in your hearts and though your minds. D-
Cass Silva <silva_cass@yahoo.c
Does Alice Bailey state that the Christ is Maitreya?
Duane Carpenter <> wrote: Carlos
If you want to get a quick reference to some of the Theosophical Masters and their respective places in the Spiritual Hierarchy and what initiations they have undergone go to
Solar and Planetary Hierarchies - Chart
If the chart doesn't come up go to the works of Alice Bailey scroll to the bottom of the page where it says charts and open Planetary and Solar Hierarchies. This chart puts the Christ as a sixth degree initiate, DK a fifth and Master Jesus as a fourth. I am not saying this chart is infallible but might be useful in the present discussion. D-
carlosaveline <> wrote:
You say you are curious about "who has this or that initiation".
Sorry, I can't help you in that.
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