Re: Theos-World John's Pills & Nice Words
Nov 27, 2006 05:43 PM
by Cass Silva
Your words Carlos, not ours.
carlosaveline <> wrote: Cass, John,
I see you are not familiar with HPB's biographies.
Or with the Mahatma Letters, in which language is often not adequate, say, for an LCC "Holy" Mass as directed by Leadbeater. Far from that.
The reality is not in the words, though. It is beneath the words.
Priestlike nice words make nice Whitewashed Tombs, a pious biblical expression which I believe John has not included in his "list of niceties" yet.
Regards, Carlos.
Data:Sun, 26 Nov 2006 17:54:47 -0800 (PST)
Assunto:Re: Theos-World John's Pills
> As there are 7 layers of maya John, let me add "thief" so that we are theosophically consistent! (lol)
> Cass
> wrote: Carlos,
> My perspective is Meditation would not cause anyone to leap in to a Forum
> calling anyone :
> 1.Liar
> 2.Betrayer
> 3.Slanderer
> 4.Traitor
> 5.Coward
> 6.Puppet
> And all the other niceties you have heaped upon Daniel daily here for more
> than a year here on this Forum. Sorry it doesn't wash with me and I don't think
> it has with many other either here either.
> John
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