Caldwell and Joy Mills
Nov 27, 2006 10:59 AM
by carlosaveline
>From Joy Mills' 2004 letter to me on the issue of "HPB Letters, True or Fake",
I had to infer there were some chances that she did not work too hard in that project, and was not acquainted with the issues at stake.
But -- in spite of of the fact that Joy is a one-faced Sagitarius, theoretically she might have written you something different from what she wrote to me.
Will you tell us all here about that?
Data:Sun, 26 Nov 2006 18:22:03 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World To John: Some Examples from Aveline's Postings
> John,
> Let us take the following paragraphs from one of Carlos Aveline's
> recent contributions to Theos-Talk and see if we can shed some light
> on what he writes:
> ===================================================================
> Joy Mills and Daniel Caldwell were among the members of John
> Algeo's "Editorial Committee". As to Joy, she probably just put her
> name in it as a way of showing a broad support; but Daniel Caldweel
> seem to have been very active in it.
> Nicholas Week, another member of the Committee, had warned Algeo
> about the issue with no success. Such a warning most likely made on
> behalf of his wife Dara Eklund, also a member of the Committee. Dara
> corresponded with me on this issue and I admire and respect her
> honesty and good will.
> ================================================================
> John, for those who may not have the "Letters of H.P. Blavatsky
> Volume I, I will repeat the information that Jake gave us some time
> ago on Theos-Talk:
> ==============================================================
> On the title page the book is edited by John Algeo and assisted by
> his wife Adele S. Algeo. The "editorial committee" is given as Daniel
> H. Caldwell, Dara Eklund, Robert Ellwood, Joy Mills, and Nicholas
> Weeks.
> ==============================================================
> I also pointed out earlier that more than a dozen other people helped
> in one way or the other with the letters project.
> Now back to Carlos' wonderful observations.
> Concerning Joy Mills' participation, Carlos writes:
> "she PROBABLY just put her name in it as a way...." caps added.
> As far as I can tell this is just sheer speculation on Carlos' part.
> Joy may have sent reams of comments to Dr. Algeo.
> Who knows? I don't. Does Carlos KNOW????
> I was on the committee but I don't exactly know what each member
> contributed. How would I know that?
> Now since I personally know Dara and Nicholas I have some better idea
> of what they sometimes contributed because they would tell me about
> some item or something in an email or on the phone.
> But again I can't say that I know exactly what or how much they
> contributed to the project.
> It's not like the committee met physically in the same room and had
> long discussions and did our work together.
> We didn't have conference calls on the phone either.
> My understanding was that individual members contributed
> comments, etc. plus if they had any expertise or knowledge on a
> particular subject I assume they gave it. But they gave the input,
> material to Dr. Algeo/TPH Wheaton.
> Now another observation by dear Carlos. He writes:
> "Daniel Caldweel seem to have been very active in it."
> Again how does Carlos know what I did or how active I was "in it" as
> compared to some other committee member?
> At the beginning of the project I did devote alot of hours to going
> over bibliographic items and recommending various reference books
> that would be good to use, as well as critiquing various items, etc.
> etc.
> But how many hours did the other committee members devote to what
> they were contributing??
> I have no way of knowing THEREFORE I find it hard to believe that Mr.
> Aveline knows any thing more substantial and I would conclude that he
> is just (as usual!!) talking off the top of his head.
> "blah..blah..blah...blah" I can hear him already! :)
> Again Mr. Aveline writes:
> "Nicholas Week, another member of the Committee, had warned Algeo
> about the issue with no success."
> What issue? It is not clear to me what Mr. Aveline is exactly
> referring to? Is he saying that Nicholas was warning
> against "stealing" material from John Cooper?
> Is Aveline saying Nicholas knew about this supposed "stealing"?
> ??????????
> Again Mr. Aveline comments:
> "Dara corresponded with me on this issue and I admire and respect her
> honesty and good will."
> What issue?
> And yes I too respect Dara's honesty and good will.
> But remember Dara too was a member of the editorial committee and was
> an active participant as far as I can judge.
> Oh but I forgot Mr. Aveline knows better and more! :)
> Yet although Aveline says he respects her honesty and good will, at
> the same time Mr. Aveline is more than ready to repeat time and time
> again the "puppet committee" comment which of course would apply to
> Dara as much as anyone else on the committee!
> How much does he really respect her or anyone else on the committee
> when he brings up repeatedly this "puppet" slur?
> Moving on.
> Mr. Aveline also writes recently:
> ===========================================================
> If you are an honest people, Daniel, which I can accept, why helping
> Algeo in the theft? Or did you not help him? Will you clarify this to
> us all ?
> I don't believe D. Caldwell "knows nothing about it". I hope he will
> share some of his sincere views with us, even if the "gets in
> political trouble" in some pseudo-theosophical circles.
> ============================================================
> Well, if "theft" there was, why assume I had something to do with
> it.
> How exactly would I have participated in the "theft"?
> And why not point the finger at all the other members of the
> editorial committee including Dara??
> Weren't they also actively participating?
> Or does Aveline know something the rest of us don't know?
> Let me be clear. I was not aware of any "theft" and I don't believe
> that anyone else on the committee was aware of it.
> In talking to Nicholas and Dara, they never brought up THIS issue at
> least not to me.
> As to what Joy Mills or Robert Ellwood may have known, I have no way
> of knowing since I have never regularly corresponded with them and
> have never talked to them on the phone about the letters project.
> ******* Yet Mr. Aveline in his great "Mahatmic" wisdom apparently
> knows more than any of us on the committee and makes all sorts of
> serious accusations and unfounded statements.
> If this is how Mr. Aveline researches and writes about Theosophical
> History, readers of his commentaries are in big trouble!!
> I would suggest to readers who are interested in this subject thread,
> to go to the PREFACE of the infamous Vol. I of HPB's Letters and
> actually READ and see how many people were involved in the project at
> various stages and their contributions.
> This information will be found in the sub-section titled "HISTORY OF
> THE PROJECT". See especially page xvi where Dr. Algeo
> mentions the committee members and also starting toward the end of
> page xvi and going on to page xiv.
> I was not aware until I read all of this as to how many people
> actually contributed to the project. For example, I was not aware
> that Dr. Algeo was getting input from David Reigle. But that
> certainly makes sense since David knows a great deal on various
> relevant subjects.
> In response to what I just wrote, Mr. Aveline may make the comment
> that therefore I was merely a "puppet" .. but that again is
> apparently his cynical way of viewing things.
> I contributed what I could and thought I was being helpful and it is
> somewhat disappointing to think that certain individuals choose to
> view that contribution in such a negative and cynical way.
> I also think that it is important to remember that at every step in
> the project from the time Boris de Zirkoff was involved in collecting
> and transcribing letters to the time when John Cooper was the editor
> until the later phase when Dr. Algeo was the editor, that alot of
> hardworking individuals contributed to the project giving freely of
> their time and knowledge.
> And yet there is this campaign out there to cast as much blame and
> negativity on the volume as possible.
> As to the validity of what Dr. Tillett alleges, as I said in a
> previous email, I was not privy to most of that material, etc. that
> is mentioned and therefore can only view it as an outsider who would
> simply want to hear both sides and all sides before making some
> conclusion.
> I have said about all that I want to on this complicated subject.
> No doubt, Mr. Aveline will simply ignore what I have written and will
> continue making more insinuations, etc. based on his
> extensive "knowledge"! :)
> Daniel
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