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Robert Crosbie, the ULT, the DES

Nov 27, 2006 08:41 AM
by danielhcaldwell

Carlos writes:

As to Daniel's criticisms on the ULT, they are a form of propaganda

Readers should note that I have ALSO criticized Leadbeater and the 
Adyar TS since at least 1975.

Readers might also take note that although Carlos mentions 
my "criticisms" of ULT and my "propaganda" about ULT, he doesn't deal 
with the substance of the criticisms, that is, with the SPECIFICS, 

Or he doesn't address Carl Ek's detailed criticism of ULT recently 
posted at ULT. 

Neither does he shed any light on the many questions about ULT and 
DES that Gregory Tillett gave us weeks ago on Theos-Talk.

Hmmmm...wonder why?

I ask: what statement have I made about ULT or DES or Robert Crosbie 
that has been "false" or untrue?

I am mainly concerned with the truth or falsity of historical 
statements that various ULT writers have made about the origins of 
their group and about Robert Crosbie the founder. The same for Adyar 
writers and their statements about the TS Adyar and Mrs. Besant and 
Mr. Leadbeater. And the same for other writers of other Theosophical 

It was the considered opinion of Walter A. Carrithers, Jr. who was
one of the formost defenders of Madame Blavatsky in the 20th century,
that the "propaganda" of all the existing Theosophical groups had
created "misleading mayavic ideations" that helped to obscure a
better and proper understanding of Madame Blavatsky's mission and

I hope to provide more on this in the next year or two either on
Theos-Talk or elsewhere.


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