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John: "....required to sign certain affirmations...."?

Nov 26, 2006 01:32 PM
by danielhcaldwell


You wrote:

...I also wondered if the Committee Members were required to sign 
certain affirmations such as a Confidentiality Covenant of 
Nondisclosure which binds them to remain silent.

This and other implements are a regular requisite in the current 
times for many public and private entities. So I ask Daniel or any 
other Committee Member or person who has direct first person 
knowledge to tell us what they had to sign to be operative as a 
Committee member. This may also be a help and instructive to 

Well, I never had to sign any such piece of paper and I never heard 
that anyone else had to!!

The  material I sent to Wheaton and the correspondence back and forth 
was just plain ol' historical  commentary and historical material.

Like I would answer "where are the originals of HPB's Letters to 
Hiram Corson" or "what is the earliest transcription of the Coulomb 
letters?" or similar questions.  Or I would suggest the various books 
that would provide biographical-historical material about the 
relationship between HPB and Swami Dayananda Saraswati, etc. etc. etc.

Or I would provide photocopies of relevant extracts from my 
historical files, etc.

Nothing that was top secret at all.  Just part of researching HPB, 


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