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Re: Did Daniel Help Algeo Steal? Didn't he?

Nov 23, 2006 07:57 PM
by danielhcaldwell

Dear Carlos,

You write:

I thought you helped  JohnAlgeo steal John Cooper's work on the HPB's 

I might be wrong, though.  Did you not?  Please tell us about that. 

Was John Cooper's research "wrongly used", or stolen by the TPH?  
And -- did you help Algeo in that?

Perhaps, instead of asking questions, you will decide to clarify 

Is it in your ethics (Theosophical or otherwise) Carlos to accuse a 
person of stealing especially without one iota of evidence?

If you have any evidence of the accusation that you bring forth 
AGAINST ME, I ask you please present it in detail.  If not, I would 
advise you to stop making such reckless and wild statements.

I will simply repeat what I have said before.  Of course, you will no 
doubt simply ignore it.

But one more try.

When John Cooper was alive I gave John various feedback, suggestions, 
etc. concerning HPB's letters.  Especially on bibliographic concerns.

When John Cooper died, I gave the same kind of info to John Algeo and 

Now are you saying that I am guilty of stealing material from John 
Cooper's work because I was giving feedback, info, suggestions, etc. 
to John Algeo and TPH?

It is also my understanding that Dara Eklund, Nicholas Weeks and the 
other members of the editorial committee ALSO gave advice, feedback, 

Therefore I'm surprised that you haven't accused Dara, Nicholas and 
the rest of the committee because they ALSO gave input to John Algeo 
and TPH!!



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