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Nov 22, 2006 10:25 PM
by gregory

Ben?s refers to the fact that: ?In the AMORC schema, the 'real story' was
formerly only given to members of the 12th degree, and this was HS Lewis'
experience of a 'rare initiation' while in the presence of occultists in
Toulouse. Lewis appears to have known the names of these individuals, and
he certainly did travel to Toulouse, so the
account, while fanciful, seems to have some basis in reality.?

Many years ago a ?high ranking? but somewhat disillusioned AMORC member
kindly gave me his entire set of monographs from the beginning to the 12th
degree in return for some minimal archival research he needed. I later
acquired the ?top secret? documents giving the ?real story? of Lewis?
initiation ? documents which required reading, signing and returning. My
copies have a list of signatures in them but, obviously, the last named
did not return them. I was, frankly, surprised at the honesty: there was
no original real physical initiation but some species of ?psychic?
experience which, the documents acknowledge, was represented as a
physical, historical event for the benefit (?) of enquirers and members of
lower status.

A good biography of Lewis could be enlightening and amusing.

I note, by the way, an AMORC connection with the Temple of the Rosy Cross
through Marie Russak who seems to have become associated with AMORC in
some way after the dissolution of the TORC.
It is interesting to note a (Spanish language?) websit announcing the
revival of the TORC ? to occur in 2012, 100 years after (they claim) the
founding of the original Temple: ?At the end of the 20th century, in Latin
America the interest in initiatic orders was revived, mainly those related
with the spiritual traditions of the West. In those days, a member of the
Theosophical Society, known in the Rosicrucian circles as Frater
Initiator, began to work for the re-foundation of the OTRC. At the moment,
work is being done in several countries for the rebirth of the Order of
the Temple of the Rosy Cross (OTRC) with the new name of Mystical Order of
the Temple of the Rosy Cross (MOTRC). The official creation is planned for
the year 2012, 100 years after the original foundation.?

Any information from (probably from Spanish-speaking correspondents) would
be gratefully received.

Dr Gregory Tillett


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