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The Temple of the Rosy Cross and the ER

Nov 22, 2006 04:38 AM
by carlosaveline


Thanks a lot.  I would like to bring one question. 

Do you have any evidence or hint on the relation between the Temple of the Rosy Cross and the (later) Egyptian Rite? 

In advance, I would say that both practices had, or have, Ritualistic-Theurgic ambitions. 

By the way,  theosophists  were severely warned against such practices by H.P.B. in her text "Lodges of Magic" and in other texts, too. 

The results of such a kind of ritualism have been not only the "Messianic Maya" of Krishnamurti being Lord Christ, but many other 'initiatory' and  clairvoyant illusions as well. 

Regards,   Carlos.


Data:Wed, 22 Nov 2006 07:40:03 +1100 (EST)

Assunto:Theos-World The Temple of the Rosy Cross

> There are few published references to the Temple; those in Theosophical
> publications tend to be vague, and those outside the TS tend to be
> inaccurate - for example, McIntosh, 1980:142, or Fr. Wittemans, "A New and
> Authentic History of the Rosicrucians "Rider, London, 1938:180-181. The
> author interviewed a number of people who had been members. It has been
> suggested that authority for the Temple had been received from John Yarker
> or Theodor Reuss, or from French Martinists; that such an authority may
> have been sought is not unlikely, but no evidence has been seen that it
> was obtained. An elaborate Temple of the Rosy Cross was opened in 1914 at
> the Theosophical community at Krotona in California.
> In 1912, with the help of Mrs Marie Russak (1865-1937), Wedgwood founded
> the Temple of the Rosy Cross, a ritualistic body which included an
> adventist theme, and was concerned with kabbalism, astrology, Masonry,
> Christian ceremonial and symbolism. Various claims have been made as to
> the esoteric or Masonic origins or ?succession? from which the Temple
> derived, and the first announcements about the Temple were concluded with
> the letters H, H and L contained within a triangle. In fact, these
> initials represented Herakles, Helios and Lomia, the ?Star Names? of Mrs
> Besant, Mrs Russak and Wedgwood respectively. Only members of the TS ?in
> good standing? could be admitted, and members of other occult orders (the
> ES and masonry excepted) were not eligible.
> The ritual of the Temple was said to have been composed by Mrs Besant,
> under the inspiration of the Master the Count, and involved the lighting
> of candles for each of the World Teachers (Vyasa, Thoth, Zarathustra,
> Orpheus, Buddha, Krishna and Jesus) as the stories of their lives were
> recounted. Mrs Besant seemed less enthusiastic about the ritual than
> Wedgwood and others, but saw it as providing a means "to satisfy the
> ritualistic temperament in the T.S." Revelations from the Masters came at
> Temple meetings via Wedgwood or Mrs Russak. Mrs Russak and Wedgwood
> consecrated a Temple in London with George Arundale (1898-1945) as
> Pontiff, C. Jinarajadasa (1875-1953) as Preceptor and Maud Sharpe as
> Prelate. Lady Emily Lutyens (1874-1964) was an active member, and the
> officers were said to have been nominated by Jiddhu Krishnamurti, at that
> time the focus of an emerging Theosophical adventist movement. As Kuhn
> [Alvin Boyd Kuhn Theosophy. A Modern Revival of Ancient Wisdom, Henry Holt
> & Co, New York, 1930:334} described the Temple: ?An elaborate regalia was
> required and a ceremonial was devised which a member of the Masonic body
> told the author equalled in beauty and dignity anything he was conversant
> with in the higher degrees of Masonry. The initiates took a solemn pledge
> to do nothing contrary to the interests of their Higher Selves and the
> ceremonies were said to have been attended with elevated types of
> spiritual experience. Great emphasis was laid on the "magnetic purity" of
> everything handled by the officiants. Powerful sublimations of spiritual
> forces were thought to be operative through the instrumentality of the
> ritual.?
> The Temple was governed by a Council of Twelve, of whom three were ?in
> physical incarnation? (presumably Besant, Wedgwood and Arundale), and
> other nine existed in the spiritual realms. The Temple had an Adventist
> theme, and its secret teachings declared that the Master The Count, by
> whose authority the order had been established, was to incarnate within
> its membership. By 1913 it was claimed that the Temple had 290 members in
> London, one hundred in India, and others in the USA and other countries.
> Grand Temples had been established at Adyar, Edinburgh, Krotona, The
> Hague, Paris, and Brussels, and the Supreme Temple was located in London.
> Leadbeater never approved of the Temple, basically because, having had no
> part in its foundation, he had no control over it, and because it involved
> the production of messages from the Masters through agents other than
> himself or Mrs Besant. In 1914 he "brought through" a message from the
> Master ordering its dissolution. An alternative explanation ? that the
> Master The Count found ?certain defects? in the Temple ? was offered by
> Jinarajadasa in 1915 when he was commissioned to prepare an alternative
> rite for public use. This was the Ritual of the Mystic Star. A further
> alternative to the Temple, but based upon it, was The Krotona Service,
> once used in the TS in the USA. It offered reverence to the World Teachers
> and looked forward to the coming of the Maitreya who would ?shape the
> destiny of a new branch race of our Aryan root stock.? [The Krotona
> Service, no pub., np, (?1926):6]
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