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Nov 13, 2006 01:01 PM
by carlosaveline


While in the 1960s various Adyar leaders openly confessed and proposed tampering with originals ( against the will of N. Sri Ram and Radha Burnier)
Daniel Caldwell limits himself to repeating a few hundred times that the ULT's Theosophy Company makes proofreading mistakes or other minor editorial changes which do not change the meaning. 

As to Algeo and Daniel's policies, they include the practice of publishing slanders against HPB as if they were authentic parts of the theosophical literature. 

Minor changes are one thing. Tampering is another. 



Data:Sun, 12 Nov 2006 16:31:31 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World Carlos' Vague Replies to My Detailed Comments about Editing of VOICE

> The late Dallas TenBroeck once wrote on Theos-Talk:
> =========================================================
> In U.L.T. I don't have to worry -- the originals are available on a
> reliable basis . . . . Personally I would rather deal with
> H.P.Blavatsky's 'mistakes' than with those created by others who have
> had the temerity to believe they knew better than she did, and had
> the audacity to introduce changes which she did not authorize. . . .
> =========================================================
> I have already given detailed evidence and specific examples showing 
> that the Theosophy Company's edition THE VOICE OF THE SILENCE has 
> been EDITED with many resulting changes. See:
> Carlos Aveline's 3 replies to my postings of this information are 
> brief, vague and basically ignore the detailed evidence. See 
> his "replies" at:
> I would say that if one calls the editing of the 1893 edition
> of THE SECRET DOCTRINE a good example of "tampering" then I would say 
> that the TC edition of HPB's VOICE falls into that SAME category 
> of "tampering".
> One need only look at a number of examples in both books to see that 
> the same kind of editing has been done.
> Also consider the following:
> Is there a note in the 1893 edition of THE SECRET DOCTRINE that tells 
> or warns the reader that editing and editorial correcting, etc. has 
> been done?
> Is there a similar note in the Theosophy Company's edition of HPB's 
> VOICE OF THE SILENCE telling or warning the reader that editing and 
> editorial correcting of HPB's text has been done?
> Daniel
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