Nov 13, 2006 06:08 AM
by carlosaveline
You say:
"But nowhere does thesosophy support making judgements about our brothers and sisters based on our opinion of their motives."
I say:
"Then you should not judge anyone, too, should you?"
I tried to say that trees can be judge by their fruits. Now I add: "non-judging people" can be most judgmental in their own way. radical And insistently so!
They have a right to be judge and evaluate, of course. But it may be no use making believe they do not do so....
Data:Sun, 12 Nov 2006 06:55:00 -0800
> Carlos,
> You are free to make however many judgements you wish to make. But
> nowhere does thesosophy support making judgements about our brothers
> and sisters based on our opinion of their motives. As students, far
> better we err on the side of tolerance than that we made judgements
> of our fellow human beings, no matter what evidence can be produced.
> Exoteric history does not tell the whole story. Many are the villains
> of history who are someone else's hero.
> Adelaise
> On 12 Nov 2006 at 8:24, carlosaveline wrote:
> > Adelasie,
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Trees can be known by their fruits.
> >
> > Or do you believe that Hitler's and Mussolini's intentions during the Second World War might have been "good or bad", you can't see anything about that?
> >
> > Or do you believe, to name but a few examples, that Mahatma Gandhi , Mother Theresa , St. John of the Cross, Giordano Bruno and HPB might have good intentions, or bad intentions, "God only knows" and you do not have a clue about that, hence you are "morally indifferent" as you look at their lives?
> >
> > The matter of the fact is that, according to not only History, but every religion, philosophy and esoteric philosophy tell us, yes -- other people's intentions can be often more or less identified by observing their actions and looking at the fruits of their actions.
> >
> > (The main task is, of course, to take care of our own intentions.)
> >
> > I am sure you do not wash your hands, like that famous Roman Judge, before every ethical question life poses before you.
> >
> > Carlos.
> >
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