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Re: Theos-World Re Science, New Point Loma Books

Nov 12, 2006 12:39 PM
by samblo

    Thanks for the post. The part about the "time traveler" reminds me of a 
book written on the same topic back in the 1900s by Olaf Stapledon the Title 
was "Star Maker" and tells about a man who travels by projecting his 
consciousness visiting many new planets and sharing consciousness with life forms he 
finds there. Olaf Stapledon was somewhat of a visionary of his time, he wrote then 
about our present situation of Oil and demand supply shrinkage. I recommend 
his books;

Sirius                               1944 Penguin Books Paperback
Star Maker                       1937   "               '"           "
The Last and First Men      1930   "                "          " 
The Last Men in London     1932   "                "          "
Odd  John                         1935
A Man Divided                   1950 
A Modern Theory of Ethics  1935?


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