"...since the 1950s ..."
Nov 11, 2006 09:21 AM
by carlosaveline
No particular event in mind. If you prefer the 1960s, I have no objection.
Still, since mid-century, relations between different HPB groups and societies have improved, and our present times invite us all to look ahead and build a better movement.
Data:Sat, 11 Nov 2006 16:31:58 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World Carlos: "...since the 1950s a few decades have passed...."
> Carlos writes:
> ===============================================
> That since the 1950s a few decades have passed, and Pasadena TS,
> Edmonton TS, the ULT and other Blavatsky groups are much more
> cooperative and respectful among them....
> ===============================================
> I'm curious why Carlos refers to "the 1950s".
> What is this in reference to????? What happened in the
> 1950s that Carlos calls attention to?????
> Daniel
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