The United Lodge of Theosophists
Nov 09, 2006 11:06 AM
by carlosaveline
Theos-talk members can see what is Daniel Caldwell's priority here.
He seems to see the ULT as absolutely central to the movement, hence
his apparent inability to have other great priorities. Something which Paul Johson calls "an obsession".
I have my own agenda, my own rythm, and I act on what I freely decide, of course. I haven't analysed or studied the specific allegations of Daniel Caldwell about books published by "The Theosophy Co." -- books which, by the way, I consider fine and excellent. I may do that when I feel like and happen to have the time.
Yet I know that someone who helped John Algeo and the USA TPH spread proven libels against HPB, as Caldwell, could only criticize and find faults in the ULT. In that he is consistent. I hope he will not write positively about the ULT without a comprehensive change in his view of life.
In Brazil, there is a popular saying which goes more or less this way: "it does not matter whether ou talk good or bad things about me, as long as you talk about me". It means -- "it does not matter whether you make compliments or criticize something; if you talk about that, you're calling attention to it and ultimately benefitting it".
Now that Dallas does not live any longer -- Dallas having had a decades' long experience with the Los Angeles ULT and its literature, Daniel may take full advantage, and go ahead.
Yet the fact remains: there are two greater groups of theosophists in the world today; which present and organized in a certain number of countries.
One is the Pasadena TS. The other is the ULT.
A third front in that line gathers various Point Loma groups.
Then you have the Edmonton Theosophical Society in Canada and the influential FOHAT magazine. Then, several smaller independent groups and initiatives/actions around the world.
The ULT, as long as I know, is one of the main shields of the real theosophical work, and it is accostumed to be the blank of 'criticisms', in Theos-talk and elsewhere.
There are other harmful things, more serious than the attention presently given to the ULT by David Green or Terry Brown, or Daniel Caldwell. And these other things are presently being avoided. The ULT can serve as a shield.
All such criticisms are, in fact, stimulating. I would like to suggest Daniel should write a little it more on the ULT, and repeat his same old postings about it more times, and even more often then right now.
More of the same is good. I go slow.
Regards, Carlos.
Data:Thu, 09 Nov 2006 15:55:14 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World The United Lodge of Theosophists
> Carlos writes:
> =================================================================
> As to Daniel's criticisms on the ULT, they are a form of propaganda
> and in the long run are rather beneficent to this living,
> informal 'web of theosophical life'.
> The continuing attention given the ULT by Daniel (and this has been
> so since 1998, says Paul Johnson) undoubtedly shows us that Daniel
> sees the ULT as something very important to the movement, in quality,
> at least, and in spite of its small outward size, and limited numbers
> of associates.
> And that is an unconscious homage which, being a sincere friend and
> an associate of the ULT, I have to thank him for.
> ==================================================================
> Readers should note that I have ALSO criticized and given "continuing
> attention" to Leadbeater and the Adyar TS since at least 1975 so I
> guess by Carlos' "REASONING" I've also shown that Leadbeater and the
> Adyar TS is "something very important to the movement"!! So is
> this "unconscious homage" to the Adyar TS??
> But notice that although Carlos mentions my "criticisms" of ULT and
> my "propaganda" about ULT, he doesn't deal with the substance of the
> criticisms, that is, with the SPECIFICS, etc. Or he doesn't address
> Carl's detailed criticism of ULT recently posted at ULT. Or doesn't
> shed any light on the many questions about ULT and DES that Gregory
> Tillett gave us a week or so ago on Theos-Talk.
> Hmmmm...wonder why?
> I once again ask: what statement have I made about ULT or DES or
> Robert Crosbie that has been "false" or untrue?
> As I have said previously, I am mainly concerned with the truth or
> falsity of historical statements that various ULT writers have made
> about the origins of their group and about Robert Crosbie the
> founder. The same for Adyar writers and their statements about the
> TS Adyar and Mrs. Besant and Mr. Leadbeater. And the same for other
> writers of other Theosophical groups.....
> It was the considered opinion of Walter A. Carrithers, Jr. who was
> one of the formost defenders of Madame Blavatsky in the 20th century,
> that the "propaganda" of all the existing Theosophical groups had
> created "misleading mayavic ideations" that helped to obscure a
> better and proper understanding of Madame Blavatsky's mission and
> teachings.
> I hope to provide more on this in the next year or two either on
> Theos-Talk or elsewhere.
> Daniel
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