Nov 06, 2006 07:33 AM
by carlosaveline
In Occultism, often there are no outer, bureaucratic, word-level evidences.
Incidentally, that's why the word 'Occult' is used as to Occultism.
Each one must learn to sense things as best he can.
Data:Mon, 06 Nov 2006 15:14:20 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World Is the EVIDENCE in an attic in Los Angeles & in an attic at Adyar??
> Where is the EVIDENCE to support
> the following Theosophical claims (3) and (4)?
> ----------------------------------------------
> (3) During all the troublous period 1893-6 Mr. Crosbie shared to an
> extent unknown and undreamt of by others in the burdens and the
> confidence of Mr. Judge.
> (4) Mr. Leadbeater was one of H.P.B.'s nearest and most trusted
> pupils in whom she had awakened the powers since so splendidly used
> in the service of the Society that he might become a great Teacher.
> ----------------------------------------------
> Of course Mr. Crosbie had met and knew Mr. Judge and Mr. Leadbeater
> had met and knew Madame Blavatsky.
> But where is the evidence that supports the specific Theosophical
> claims made in Statements (3) and (4)?
> Maybe the evidence is hidden in an attic in Los Angeles or in an
> attic at Adyar?? :)
> There is no "statement" or "claim" higher than the Truth.
> Daniel
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