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Carlos, a new group for your Theosophical Wold Map!

Nov 06, 2006 01:53 AM
by Carl Ek

I just fund a new group for your Theosophical Wold Map; "The Narada 
Theosophical Society". Have a look in their webpage;
I say no more.


Some quotes from their webpage:

"In this pursuit, Blavatsky co-founded The Theosophical Society in 
1874 and wrote Isis Unveiled, her first book, in 1877 while living 
in New York."

"Helena Blavatsky communicated with the Mahatmas in face-to-face 
meetings, the first at Hyde Park in London in 1851, when she began a 
17-year probationary period. After living with her master Mahatma in 
Tibet for three years, 1868 to 1871, she traveled to Greece to visit 
with Mahatmas living there."

"A delivery system for Theosophy was founded 1874 with HPB and Henry 
S. Olcott among its founders."

"At her death in 1891, Blavatsky named William Q. Judge to be her 
personal agent in the Esoteric Section, . . ."

"Annie Besant, tireless English social reformer who had become a 
Theosophist after reading The Secret Doctrine, was designated the 
Recorder of the Esoteric Section at the time of HPB's death. Besant, 
as the Esoteric Section Recorder, had been entrusted with volumes 
three and four of The Secret Doctrine, that HPB had prepared for 
publication at a future date. These two volumes disappeared and were 
never seen again, although she subsequently published in lieu of 
HPB's finished work a third volume comprised of letters and 
fragments of manuscripts that Besant herself compiled. "

"The Narada Lodge was first chartered in 1890, chartered in 1895 by 
William Q. Judge's Theosophical Society In America, chartered by 
Kathryn Tingley's Universal Brotherhood in 1898, then chartered in 
1899 by The American Section of Adyar."

"We at Narada Theosophical Society are only interested in one thing, 
and that is the study of Theosophy as presented by the Masters and 
early founders of the Theosophical Movement. We have offered to work 
with Wheaton, but not under them. We have been autonomous since we 
chartered with William Q. Judge on April 28-29, 1895 as The 
Theosophical Society in America. We rechartered with the American 
Section, Adyar again in January 1899, with a clause in our 
Constitution giving us legal autonomy, which they recognized. We 
were members of both Societies at the same time. We have been asked 
many times in our past to change our bylaws by Wheaton, but have 
declined, so as to not lose our grandfathered-in charters in the 

John Scott, Vice President
Narada Theosophical Society"

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