6 statements
Nov 05, 2006 03:46 AM
by carlosaveline
There is a seventh statement:
"Some 21st century researchers can rarely discuss philosophical/theosophical matters; therefore they have to keep to terrestrial, materialistical and personalistic matters, stirring doubts and stimulating mutual criticisms among different parts of the movement."
Data:Sat, 04 Nov 2006 17:52:48 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World Are these 6 statements true and accurate?
> Are the 6 statements below true and accurate?
> And what evidence is there to support each of these statements?
> If you read these 6 statements in a new book dealing with the history
> of the Thesophical Movement, would it matter to you?
> Would you write to the author and/or publisher?? If so, why?
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> (1) Annie Besant was appointed before Mme. Blavatsky's passing in
> 1891 as her successor in Outer Headship of the Esoteric Section.
> (2) DK states that much of the Mahatma Letters is HPB's own work and
> not actual dictation from her Masters.
> (3) During all the troublous period 1893-6 Mr. Crosbie shared to an
> extend unknown and undreamt of by others in the burdens and the
> confidence of Mr. Judge.
> (4) Mr. Leadbeater was one of H.P.B.'s nearest and most trusted
> pupils in whom she had awakened the powers since so splendidly used
> in the service of the Society that he might become a great Teacher.
> (5) The Theosophical "succession" of Mrs. Tingley thus becomes lost
> in a morass of psychic delusion, of claims and counter-claims. If
> the "evidence" for it be accepted, Judge becomes a guileless psychic
> and a virtual "disciple" of Mrs. Tingley. If the evidence is
> rejected, Mrs. Tingley becomes at best a self-deluded woman, at
> worst a charlatan, and so, also, her close supporters.
> (6) Crosbie claimed to have left Pt Loma because he asserted he was
> in contact with HPB and the Masters, and he continued to make this
> claim thereafter.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Daniel
> http://hpb.cc
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