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Re:Theos-World HPB, Yarker and ritual

Nov 05, 2006 03:22 AM
by carlosaveline

"Revelation" to whom?


Data:Sun, 5 Nov 2006 16:46:03 +1100 (EST)

Assunto:Theos-World HPB, Yarker and ritual

> The excitement generated by the "revelation" that HPB was the recipient of
> charters or diplomas or memberships from John Yarker seems to arise out of
> ignorance of Yarker's activities. Few of the (numerous) mystical or
> quasi-Masonic orders headed and/or controlled by Yarker seem to have
> actually operated in the traditional Masonic manner - i.e. with meetings,
> ritual initiations and such. Yarker seems to have commonly despatched
> documents conferring membership, status and other rights by mail - in the
> Masonic sense he was conferring degrees "on sight", a right usually
> accepted as that of Grand Masters and other such luminaries. I have seen
> nothing to suggest that HPB did more than receive documents for, e.g., Sat
> B'hai. I have seen numbers of equivalent documents issued by Yarker to
> people who had never physically met him, let alone undergone any form of
> ritual with him. Indeed, some of the impressive documents were
> unsolicited.
> In the strange world of "fringe Masonry", conferring numerous degrees by
> equally numerous rituals in lodges with real members present would seem to
> be relatively uncommon.
> It is almost certain that when Yarker conferred the vast array of degrees
> of the Rites of Memphis and Misraim, etc., on James Wedgwood he did not
> put Wedgwood through a couple of hundred rituals!
> Dr Gregory Tillett
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