Re: HPB and Sat B'hai
Nov 04, 2006 08:18 PM
by Carl Ek
I'm not sure, but I think it could mean a leading membemr, a Head, a
member of the ruling body, and don't necessarily have to be a Hindu
hence then it mean the same as we today call a Indian, and may could
mean someone that live in India, or even simple a "nick namne" for a
member of the leading member.
I'm fare from being an expert, and that is not easy to be ether,
hence the most of the references are very spread out in many
different sources.
--- In, samblo@... wrote:
> Carl,
> Thanks again have archived this and your others. Item, Number
21 who is
> the "Hindu Referee"? It implies a continuos servitor in India?
> John
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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