"Distortion"? Not Quite
Nov 03, 2006 08:22 AM
by carlosaveline
There is a difference between having a perspective, even an engaged view of things, and distorting.
I have read much of Jinarajadasa, for instance, and it is easier for me to defend the value of his work being an associate of the ULT since last year.
I consider C. Jinarajadasa an engaged writer; he has his own perspective; his perspective and his loyalty are clear to all readers; I have seen so far no deliberate falsehoods or forgeries coming from him, and I believe the word "distortion" would be too strong.
The same broad concept applies to other viewpoints, including those of the Pasadena TS, Point Loma groups and the ULT.
Why stir animosities?
Are we not for universal brotherhood? Do gossips help anyone?
The issue with Adyar is limited to helping break the "occult ritualistic maya" created by Leadbeater with Besant's blessings.
Getting rid of it is a practical task for the years ahead and no "power struggle".
We can all learn from each other in the movement.
Regards, Carlos.
Data:Fri, 03 Nov 2006 15:05:12 -0000
Assunto:Theos-World Distortion of Theosophical History by Adyar & ULT writers
> Distortion of Theosophical History
> by Adyar & ULT writers
> One of my major concerns as a student of
> Blavatsky and Theosophy is the distorted
> and skewed historical accounts given of
> various Theosophical events by Adyar and
> ULT writers. (There are others writers also
> giving distorted views.)
> For example, C. Jinarajadasa gives skewed
> accounts of many Theosophical episodes in
> "Golden Book of the Theosophical Society" (1925)
> by C. Jinarajadasa (Editor)
> Available at http://tinyurl.com/y54mvh
> Josephine Ransom's "A Short History of the Theosophical
> Society" also contains some skewed accounts.
> Ken Small has given some important observations
> concerning the ULT/Theosophy Company's THE
> THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT (both 1st and revised editions).
> See:
> "Theosophical Movement" Books written by "Theosophy" editors
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/theos-talk/message/36793
> I published Dr. H.N. Stokes' articles on Judge/Tingley
> and related documents to provide important information
> and observations about the relationship between Mr. Judge
> and Mrs. Tingley that ULT's THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT histories
> had either ignored or distorted in their recounting of
> the events.
> See:
> ? William Q. Judge and Katherine A. Tingley: An Analysis of the
> Controversy Surrounding W.Q. Judge's Diary Entries about "Promise"
> and the Dead H.P.B. including Material on the Close Relationship
> between Mr. Judge and Mrs. Tingley by H.N. Stokes
> http://blavatskyarchives.com/stokes/stokeswqjktcon.htm
> Yesterday in a posting to Theos-Talk I gave an excerpt written in a
> pamphlet issued by the Theosphy Company. See excerpt at:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/theos-talk/message/36882
> Later today or tomorrow I will give Dr. H.N. Stoke's analysis of this
> excerpt which shows how the ULT writer distorted the historical
> record to present a certain view of Mr. Crosbie and his actions.
> This distortion of Theosophical history by various Theosophical
> writers whether from Adyar or ULT or ELSEWHERE should be of concern
> to all Theosophists. Such skewed histories add confusion and
> misunderstandings and is a disservice especially to new students and
> inquirers. And generations of students in the various traditions
> (Adyar, ULT, etc.) are in a sense "brain-washed" by these distorted
> histories.
> Daniel
> http://hpb.cc
> Yahoo! Groups Links
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