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Here is Carlos' latest CLAIM !! :)

Nov 02, 2006 07:50 AM
by danielhcaldwell

Carlos claims:

And Daniel Caldwell claims that "HPB might be a fraud". He has been 
claiming that for a number of years, in case you do not know, Carl.

Yet HPB students know better and say that HPB was NOT a fraud.

Carl, well here is Carlos' latest "claim".

Now is it true?  Where is HIS evidence to back it up?

Notice that he puts the words: 

HPB might be a fraud

in quotation marks.

Is Carlos suggesting that I wrote these exact words?

Previously on Theos-Talk, I have given my personal
opinion about Madame Blavatsky.

Here is just one quote from me at random.

This is what I wrote to Carlos in May of this year:

...I know a number of persons who have read the Coulomb book and
the Hodgson report in their entirety and believe that Mme. Blavatsky
was a fraud.

I don't agree with their conclusions and I have from time to time
tried to discuss with them why I think they are wrong, but these
people are entitled to their own opinions and conclusions regardless
of what I may think or what you [Carlos] believe is true.

More on this later.



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