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Re: [Mind and Brain] Article: On Human Brain Size and the Genome

Nov 01, 2006 05:00 PM
by leonmaurer

In a message dated 10/2/06 2:45:45 AM, writes:

> --- In, leonmaurer@... wrote:

> Leon,
> My only disagreement with what you say above is your bringing
> physics in to help explain things.  In my view, the laws of physics
> (both quantum and classical) explain how things happen in this space-
> time reality, but aren't much help in explaining how this physical
> reality came to be in the first place.
I think the laws of physics and the theories based on them do not EXPLAIN 
anything, but only DESCRIBE the materialistically limited empirical mathematics 
of the observable objective nature of universal reality -- that tells us 
nothing of the fundamental origin or cause of both consciousness and matter.   
However, if science were to accept the possibility that the objective physical 
universe rests on sub quantum fields that descend from the absolute zero-point of 
primal space to the infinite extensions of configuration or metric space, it 
could easily use a higher form of mathematical physics, such as used in string 
theory or QFT, to describe how this physical reality came to be out of the 
transcendental fields that involve fractally between the zero-point and the 
quantum particle -- which in itself, in my ABC view, is divided into smaller quarks 
and sub quarks, ad infinitum.   Thus, as I see it, everything is subject to 
physics along with its underlying metaphysics. 
> We have a few clues from QM, however, such as:
> 1) nonlocality (information 'traveling' instantaneously from one
> place to another);
> 2) the fact that observation affects the outcomes of experiments; and
> 3) the fact that mathematics only bring us as far as providing
> statistical probabilities, and not definitive, reliable predictions,
> of QM outcomes.
These clues are what led me to develop the ABC model which seems to explain 
all these apparently paradoxical observations with perfect clarity.   In this 
view, there cannot be any indeterminacy's that depend on statistical 
probabilities, since all such lower order physical field effects are based on higher 
order sub quantum coenergetic field effects that resonate electrodynamically with 
the physical fields on their holographic wave interference patterned 
informational level.   

The problem is that the observable frequencies and thus minimum size of 
particles we can measure or experience are limited to this particular physical 
field of consciousness that is of a lower order frequency energy than the sub 
quantum fields that support (energize and inform) those particles, and whose 
zero-point centers are coadunate and entangle with the focus of our one pointed 
awareness and intent (will).   IOW, on this physical plane of reality, the 
observer's projected ray of inquiry is of the same substance as the particle-wave 
observed, and thus interferes with it.   This, of course is what Einstein could 
have meant when he said "God doesn't play dice." It also explains the first 
two apparent anomalies you noted above -- which are based on the coadunation or 
"entanglement" of the zero-points common to a single particle which, being 
part of absolute primal space, can never be split and separated by reflection as 
the triune photon particle wave field surrounding it can be.   This triune 
field nature, incidentally, may also explain the polarization of light -- which 
physics can only describe -- without understanding that the fundamental "spin" 
field originating from a zero-point that forms the quantum particle must be in 
the shape of a continuous triple Mobius-like spiral vortical knot.   See my 
humorous symbolic diagram of this primal beginning G-force path at:
Note that the edges of the spiral vortex band represent rays of positive and 
negative G force or "spinergy" traveling in opposite directions.   This 
initial pattern, apparently, could very well be the rootless root of gravity as well 
as both dark and light matter and energy.   It also would assure that all 
coenergetic fields eventually emanating from it and fractally involving are 
electrodynamic in nature, and thus, capable of carrying encoded magnetic wave 
interference patterned holographic images of all possible forms of nature 
experienced in a previous cycle of manifestation...   Thereby enabling this entire 
3-dimensional holographic universe to recreate itself exactly as it was before it 
went to sleep after a prior manifestation.   All we need, apparently, to 
visualize and comprehend all that, is our imagination and reason coupled with our 
intuition while following the geometric logic of spherical field emanation, 
expansion and fractal involution starting from a single zero-point ray of angular 
momentum (spinergy) ejected from an initial central stationary point source 
singularity and passing through an endless series of displaced zero-points, as 
each so created inner field continues to fractally involve ad infinitum.   See 
diagram of initial octave of such involution's at:

And, from this beginning at the zero-point instant of the Big Bang, all 
further fractal fields involve as symbolized in the diagrams at:

Actually, this is not trying to describe the overall reality by means of 
scientific method based on materialistically oriented mathematical symbolism 
verified by experiment and observation -- but by simply explaining its underlying 
metaphysics in visualizable geometric and topological logic that has that 
descriptive mathematics already imbedded in the dynamics and geometrical topology 
of its primal beginning.   Pythagorus was right when he said (possibly 
originated by Hermes Trismagistus and repeated by Plato) that, "The universe 
geometrizes."   It's also evident that the dynamic electromagnetic nature of all such 
fields as well as their cyclic basis in fundamental spin is the source of all 
subsequent mathematically described mechanics and physical laws and properties 
of both quantum and classical nature.

How these fields, interconnect, interact and work within the human body, and 
justify the possibility of altered states of consciousness centered in the 
various chakra centers, can be seen at:

As I see it in my mind's eye, nothing could be simpler than that -- in 
explaining cosmogenesis and all effects of consciousness within it -- from all 
aspects of psychic, through imaginatively creative, to holographically formative 
physical phenomena. It's perfectly apparent that the universe is alive and all 
intelligent right from the get go, and needs no outside "creator" to wake it up 
and spur it on its way in this cycle of its eternal existence. :-)   

It's easy to see, with this model, that it starts out from the fundamental 
spinergy or infinite angular momentum on three crossed axis of a zero-point 
singularity that is also spinning on an infinite number of axes making possible an 
infinite number of parallel universes constantly going in and out of 
existence.   This corresponds to the near infinite number of black hole quasars in 
this universe that are constantly giving birth to and absorbing its near infinite 

> Here's the simple cosmology I believe in:
> There exists (nonphysically) a greater reality which some call "All
> That Is," which is only somewhat comparable to most people's idea of
> God.  It's main difference from the God concept is that it isn't any
> kind of entity; there's no 'being' that creates, observes or judges
> in the ways humans do.  It just is.
> Our space-time reality can then be seen as being like a subset of
> the greater reality.  However, rather than extrapolating our
> everyday four-dimensional perspective into more (imagined)
> dimensions in order to conceptualize what the greater reality might
> be like, I say simply that consciousness is an inherent feature of
> the greater reality and it is this consciousness which creates the
> space-time reality we're so familiar with.  No extra dimensions and
> no explanations involving physics are required.
> I may have explained this once before: consciousness as we know if ~
> that is, individual consciousness ~ is a holographic part of the
> universal consciousness of All That Is in what could be thought of
> as consciousness units (CUs).  Each CU has free will and the ability
> to create its own personal reality within this co-created space-time
> reality.  That is to say, all CUs which decide to participate here
> in this universe pre-agree to abide by the well-known 'laws of the
> universe' (called "root assumptions" since they're the most
> fundamental agreements/assumptions for the creation of this
> universe).  It's sort of like agreeing to a software license
> agreement: you don't get to use the software unless you agree to the
> terms.
> I may have left out some of the details.  If so, or if anyone has
> any questions, let me know.  In any case, this is my idea of
> intelligent design, and it has nothing to do with anyone's concept
> of God.
> Cheers,
> Glen
I agree with your conclusion, but I think your description of such a vague 
cosmology, while essentially correct in essence, leaves out the equally simple 
explanation of where a "CU" comes from or what it is. (Which in the ABC model, 
assigns it to the inherent experiential and subjective qualities of the 
zero-point of Absolute or infinite fundamental space that, I agree, is beyond the 
abilities of finite mind to know).   Nor does it explain the mechanisms of 
consciousness or how those mechanisms interact with the phenomenal physical matter 
that it experiences (which, from a subjective POV we can know by direct 
experience as well as reason based on the electrodynamic nature of the intervening 
fields).   Additionally, I think it's essential to know how that matter is 
formed and where it originates from out of what you call the "greater reality."   
As the Buddha said, "Nothing comes from nothing."   Assuming that the greater 
reality out of which this universe springs has such magical powers of 
producing consciousness and matter without any chain of causation or reasoning, is no 
better than believing blindly in a supernatural God that creates all that we 
are and can experience by some sort of unexplainable magic.

Therefore, I think that my ABC fields that fractally involve from higher to 
lower levels of vibrational electrodynamic energy after radiation from a source 
of spin energy, not only describes where consciousness is located in our 
reality surrounding the absolute zero-point spread though all dimensional space, 
but how the initial force radiated and expands to its infinite diameter by an 
endless series of fractal involution's that geologically and topologically 
create transcendent electrodynamic fields within fields within fields in an 
orderly succession that ultimately forms by coenergetic inductive resonance 
processes into every particle and other forms of compacted energy that make up this 
entire holographic universe starting from the spinergy of the absolute 
zero-point which is everywhere... With each zero-point being the center of an infinite 
series of such fractal field involution's -- from the highest near infinite 
frequency/energy on the spiritual level, through the mental Astral levels, to 
the lowest near zero frequency/energies we can perceive through our physical 
sense mechanisms.   

This endless continuity of infinite divisibility and infinite expandability 
is the only way i can imagine that the entire cosmos can be a holographic unity 
that retains it's images of all its forms no matter how small a piece of it 
we can slice it down to -- and, figuratively speaking, actually creates itself 
without the supernatural interference of any separate personalized "God" 

Without being capable of imagining that holographic unity -- whose particular 
formative images are all encoded as wave interference patterns on the 
surfaces of every unified field -- nothing can be known about the universe that can 
explain the interconnections and functional properties of both matter and 
consciousness, along with a clear knowledge of everything in between.   

Because science is limited to examining only the lower order of physical 
fields, and has chosen only the mathematics that refer to this plane of existence 
-- there is no way to ever arrive at a "Unified Field Theory" based on such 
limited mathematics, or to understand the true nature of fundamental reality and 
be able to explain exactly how consciousness can internally create and 
experience the holographic images that are in exact analogous and corresponding 
relationship to the reflective and absorptive, attractive and repulsive properties 
representing the forms and structures of the outer objective world. 

If any one can come up with a simpler and more reasonable "explanation" 
(based on current scientific laws and premises, or even another valid unified field 
theory) of the relationships and coenergetic linkages between all conscious 
experiences and will, mind, memory, brain, body and all other forms of matter, 
without any gaps between consciousness (subjectivity) and matter (objectivity) 
or between substance and apparently empty (of form) primal space or 
fundamental source of all -- I will gladly give up my zero-point spinergy and fractal 
field involutional premises facilitating the intelligent design (NOT 
"designer") behind cosmogenesis, and subsequent cosmic evolution and human evolution -- 
that appears to be guided through trial and error processes of natural 
selection (as Darwin noted on this Earthly level) by ideal forms encoded in pre 
cosmic memory carried by fundamental spinergy (which the eastern philosophers call 
the Akashic memory)... And eat my hat. :-)   

Best wishes,


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