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Oct 31, 2006 12:31 PM
by gregory

Within the ULT a separate ES, claiming continuity with that of HPB, was
established in 1909 with the title “Dzyan Esoteric School”, which it
claimed was the proper title of the Second Section of the Theosophical
Society.  Indeed, the original charters issued by HPB to lodges of the ES
did have that title at their head.  The DES claimed to be on “the original
lines” of the ES under HPB.  It taught that HPB remained the Real Head of
the School, and wherever she was referred to, capital letters (including
She and Her) are used.

The first DES group was established in Los Angeles by Robert Crosbie in
November 1909, and extended to San Francisco in 1911, by which time it had
only 11 members.  By 1923, however, the DES had extended to other major
cities in the USA.  In 1928, B.P. Wadia (who resigned from the Adyar
society in 1922 as a result of the Leadbeater scandals), after seven years
work in New York and Washington, established groups in Europe and India,
and became the Eastern Agent or Secretary of the DES.

The DES works through Eastern and Western Divisions, and has both group
and corresponding members.  Its work is said to be the preservation of the
teachings of HPB and WQJ.  Its claim to continuity with HPB’s group is
said to be supported by the fact that Crosbie alone noted that the true
name of the group was meant to be DES, not just ES.

Applicants for membership must be members of the ULT for at least 3
months, abstain from alcohol and drugs, but moderate use of tobacco is
permitted.  Members are required to meditate for half an hour each day,
and may not belong to any other occult or esoteric organization,
Freemasonry excepted. No-one is asked to join; intuition should lead a
member to ask about such a group.  Members are not expected to deny the
existence of the DES, merely to avoid discussing.  The DES is divided into
local Groups, each with a President.

The DES teaching documents are, essentially, those of HPB as used by WQJ,
with an additional “Preliminary Memorandum” written by Crosbie, and its
own book of rules.  The DES issues the Probationer’s Pledge, the
Preliminary Memorandum, the Book of Rules, and Instructions I to VI,
together with Suggestions and Aids I to IX.

Dr Gregory Tillett


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