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Oct 16, 2006 09:59 AM
by danielhcaldwell
Carlos, you wrote: "You rarely see mistakes regarding the Adyar TS, Leadbeater, LCC, "Theosophical" Masonry and so on. Or the TSA and John Algeo..." So that is how you try to answer what I wrote at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/theos-talk/message/36398 ???? :) Ah, but only one or two years ago on Theos-Talk I was posting all sorts of stuff about Mr. Leadbeater, Mrs. Besant and even Alice Bailey. Ask Pedro and Anand (if they are still subscribers to Theos-Talk) and they will tell you about all my postings on Leadbeater and Besant. For example: I announced many times on Theos-Talk the publication of: Theosophy Or NeoTheosophy? (reprint of complete, unabridged original edition) compiled by Margaret Thomas http://blavatskyarchives.com/tontitlepage.pdf And only this Saturday I decided to reprint as a book Margatet Thomas' entire work. So stay tuned..... Or: Blavatsky & the Masters VERSUS Leadbeater & Besant? http://groups.yahoo.com/group/theos-talk/message/25578 Also please consult our webpage that has a good number of items on Adyar and Leadbeater, etc.: http://blavatskyarchives.com/intromaterial5.htm Here are just a few of my previous items on Theos-Talk: Was Besant & Leadbeater disseminating "a misleading Mayavic ideation"? http://groups.yahoo.com/group/theos-talk/message/35826 Annie Besant Under DELUDING Influences http://groups.yahoo.com/group/theos-talk/message/35824 C.W. Leadbeater versus Koot Hoomi on Blavatsky's State after her death in 1891 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/theos-talk/message/28909 I could go on listing scores of other postings.... So I go back to my posting at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/theos-talk/message/36398 Will you deal DIRECTLY with those issues? For example, in that posting, I wrote: I do believe it is possible to have postings and discussions on more than one subject at a time. Therefore I would think it is possible to give info and have discussions on BOTH the Egyptian Rite and the Dzyan Esoteric School. Let there be more light on both secret societies....!!! Daniel http://hpb.cc