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Re 1900 Letter,

Sep 25, 2006 07:30 AM
by Mark Jaqua

Re: 1900 Letter, et. al.

   Like Vernon Harrison infers on the 
Handwriting being "simulated," the attitude 
of a letter can be simulated too.  After 
a certain date, Sinnett was informed (letter 
below) that he would receive no more 
communications unless they were affixed 
with the "password".  (Wasn't there also a 
ML in which Sinnett was chastized for 
ignoring this statement? - I couldn't find 
it.)  Anyhow, Any and all letters not coming 
through Blavatsky are suspect, Sinnett's 
use of mediums C.W. Bedwetter, Travers and 
other's notwithstanding.

   The certain obsession with finding 
ever more material and letters is a 
similar motivation to the hankering after 
more and more phenomena, one is never 
satisfied.  Its sort of a pursuit for the 
psychic-level titilation, instead of the 
philosophic, when there is more than 
enough bona-fide material for anyone to 
study for a life time.  One can just leave
that stuff in the twilight-zone where it
belongs, and concentrate on the traditional

   That Letter No. 33 in the MLs (pp. 244-45, 
TUP) is a curiosity, as Dan brings out, 
as way after the date Sinnett was "cut 
off", aparently, from getting more letters 
through Blavatsky.  (Besant, refered to, 
wasn't around then.)  Maybe it is another 
"simulated" letter.

Below is the letter from a chela in 
Barker's MLs saying that Sinnett would 
receive no more communications from 
mediums without a 3-word password.


Letter No. 125

{Enclosed in Letter 20c.} 

    I am commanded by my beloved Master, 
known in India and the Western lands as Koot 
Hoomi Lal Singh, to make in his name the 
following declaration, in answer to a 
certain statement made by Mr. W. Oxley, 
and sent by him for publication in the 
Theosophist. It is claimed by the said 
gentleman that my Master Koot Hoomi (a) 
has thrice visited him "by the astral form"; 
and (b) that he had a conversation with 
Mr. Oxley when, as alleged he gave the 
latter certain explanations in reference 
to astral bodies in general, and the 
incompetency of his own Mayavy-rupa to 
preserve its consciousness simultaneously 
with the body "at both ends of the line" 
-- therefore my Master declares that: -- 

    1. Whomsoever Mr. Oxley may have 
seen and conversed with at the time described, 
it was not with Koot Hoomi, the writer of 
the letters published in the Occult World. 

   2. Notwithstanding that my Master knows 
the gentleman in question who once 
honoured him with an autograph letter, 
thereby giving him the means of making 
his (Mr. Oxley's) acquaintance and of 
sincerely admiring his intuitional powers 
and western learning -- yet he has never 
approached him whether astrally or 
otherwise: Nor has he ever had any 
conversation with Mr. Oxley, least of 
all one of that nature in which both the 
subject and predicate, the premises and 
conclusions are all wrong. 

   3. In consequence of the said claims, 
the repetition of which is calculated 
to lead many of our theosophists into 
error, my Master has determined to issue 
the following resolution. 

   Henceforth any medium or seer who will 
feel disposed to claim either to have 
been visited by, or to have held conversation 
with, or to have seen my Master, -- will 
have to substantiate the claim by prefixing 
his or her statement with THREE SECRET 
WORDS, which he, my Teacher, will divulge 
to and leave in the safe keeping of Mr. 
A. O. Hume, and Mr. A. P. Sinnett the 
respective President and Vice-President, 
of "The Eclectic Theosophical Society" of 
Simla. As long as they do not find these 
three words correctly repeated by a medium 
or heading a statement to that effect, 
whether verbal or printed, emanating from 
him or her, or on his or her behalf, the 
claim shall be regarded as a gratuitous 
assumption and no notice will be taken 
of it. To his regret my Master is forced 
to adopt this step, as unfortunately of 
late such self-deception have become 
quite frequent, and would demand a 
speedy check. 

   The above declaration and statement 
to be appended as a footnote to Mr. 
Oxley's published statement. 

By order, 



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