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Sep 25, 2006 05:18 AM
by carlosaveline



I hope your position is NOT that of an "absolute relativism", which would technically coincide with the classical Sophistry of Prothagoras (denounced by Plato over 20 centuries ago). 

According to his viewpoint, "everything can be said about anything and with equal chances of being truhful, once at least it looks like true in appearance".

This kind of "philosophy of knowledge" has led many to a moral and ethical ABSOLUTE  RELATIVISM,  according to which to be a traitor "might be OK", and to be loyal to truth "might be wrong". To these smart guys, all facts can be easily "adapted" to one's short term interests or "party line". 

Applied to the theosophical movement, this 'clever' and seemingly pseudo-scholarly technique may lead one to feel that "it might be scholarly to say  that sincere theosophical workers are fraud,  and that obviously  fraudulent people are legitimate".

They say: "Everything can be false, everything can be true" -- and with this excuse they circulate obvious falsehoods side by side with real facts, in order to promote their own hidden agenda. 

Anciente and modern Sophists have no commitement to search for truth. 

They are not 'Philaletheians', friends of Truth. They are not  'Philosophers',  friends of the Wisdom.

Best regards,   Carlos.


Data:Sat, 23 Sep 2006 12:52:31 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World 1900 KH Letter: Some of My Reflections

> As I reflect on the various and differing views held about the 1900
> KH letter, I think that these contradictory opinions by various long-
> time students of the Blavatsky and Mahatma literature should give
> each of us --- PAUSE.
> What is OBVIOUS to you or me may not be at all obvious to someone 
> else! And vice versa!!
> Each of us might honestly ask ourselves:
> How subjective (and unreliable??) is OUR OWN viewpoint or "take" 
> about the 1900 KH letter?
> It appears that sincere and knowledgeable students of Theosophy can 
> come to totally opposite views!!
> Is our own "view" therefore really any better or truer than theirs??
> In fact, NONE of us may be in a really good position or have the 
> adequate knowledge or insight to really KNOW whether the 1900 letter 
> was written by the real Mahatma KH or forged by some other person.
> These and other reflections might make some of us ask ourselves: 
> Are there gaps in my knowledge, have I made unwarranted assumptions 
> on my part, etc. etc, all of which prevent me from having a better 
> understanding of this letter and whether it is a real KH letter or a 
> forgery???
> Daniel
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