Re: A Few Thoughts on the 1900 Letter
Sep 17, 2006 12:08 PM
by robert_b_macd
Annie Besant was a disciple of a Prayag theosophist, Chakravarti. By
entering into such an arrangement she accepted much of the
superstitious psychic garbage that surrounded these deluded members,
dark planetaries and all. If the Masters were not going to waste a
letter on the Prayag theosophists, why on a Prayag disciple who
attacked one of their own in a display of utter ingratitude?
If the Masters were going to send a letter to anyone, would it not
have been to Olcott. Olcott was karmically responsible for the
Society, he was the President, and he was the last of the founders.
This letter to Besant could also be seen as an attack against Olcott,
playing further on his own doubts as to why the Masters ceased
communication with him. Olcott would pour over this letter and find
nothing in the generalities to give him a clue as to where he went
wrong. This letter could be argued to be serving karma by punishing a
doubt-ridden man. An enemy of theosophy might find this letter
satisfying on so many different levels.
Do you think this plausible Daniel?
--- In, "danielhcaldwell"
<danielhcaldwell@...> wrote:
> So Robert are you saying that you
> doubt this letter is from the real KH?
> That you hold a view similar to that of
> Dallas TenBroeck, Vernon Harrison and
> Walter Carrithers that the letter is not
> genuine KH??
> Daniel
> --- In, "robert_b_macd"
> <robert.b.macdonald@> wrote:
> >
> > The Power of Discrimination
> >
> > One way to look at this letter is to skip over the "high-sounding"
> > platitudes that it contains and look for any possible poison
> pills.
> > If there were reasons to doubt Mrs. Besant's integrity, the
> following
> > passage might be the poison pill used to bring down the Society:
> > "[[You will have to leave a
> > good deal of your emotions and
> > credulity before you become a safe
> > guide among the influences that will
> > commence to work in the new cycle.]]
> > The T.S. was meant to be the cornerstone
> > of the future religions of humanity.
> > To accomplish this object those who
> > lead must leave aside their weak
> > predilections for the forms and
> > ceremonies of any particular creed
> > and show themselves to be true
> > Theosophists both in inner thought
> > and outward observance. The greatest
> > of your trials is yet to come. We
> > watch over you but you must put
> > forth all your strength. K.H."
> >
> > What dooes this passage do? First of all it lends legitimacy to
> Annie
> > Besant. Despite all of her mistakes, which conveniently enough go
> > unmentioned as to the specifics, she is stated to have the ability
> to
> > turn things around and become a "safe guide". Wouldn't it have
> been
> > more credible if the Master's detailed her mistakes so that she
> knew
> > what to look out for in her own mind and combat this? Is that not
> how
> > they approached Olcott on the Shannon? With this next statement
> an
> > idea is introduced that should be troubling to all
> theosophists. "The
> > T.S. was meant to be the cornerstone of the future religions of
> > humanity." I can imagine Annie's mind churning right now. She
> sees
> > herself as a "safe guide" leading her sheep towards a new salvation
> > with the Masters watching over her. This letter was not a warning
> or
> > prophecy of what was to come, it was the seed. I suspect that
> > Olcott's better nature kept her in check until he died and then the
> > rest as they say is history.
> >
> > Bruce
> >
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