Sep 17, 2006 10:33 AM
by bta1012003
Dear Friend:
In a public forum, like in life, there are many gems under the
> Hi to all,
> As you will know I am a very new member to the group and feel it a
> shame that my first contribution to it will be one of expressing
> dissapointment in what I have read so far. Bickering! Kama-Manasic
> defensiveness - survival of the fittest 'intellect' and so on. All
> in the name of Theosophy!? "are our beards not grown?" Are we
> enough to let the personality go and stop driving the wedge of
> separation between us.....we whos duty it is as Theosophists to
> bring understanding to the world of the very nature of the
> of separation! In regards to the portraits of the Mahatmas , I
> from W.Shakespeare(or is it F.Bacon!) "In faith, I do not love
> with mine eyes; For they in thee a thousand errors note; But 'tis
> heart that loves what they despise" The Heart. The POWER of Love.
> Theosophy is founded in Understanding and Compassion and to me
> is where our focus needs to be. Apologies for my rude entry but it
> is heart felt. I wonder, how are we to assist in alleviating the
> suffering of the world when we continue to argue over 'true or
> false' accounts of history. Perhaps my initial impressions are
> misguided and simply due to the timing of my signing up. Perhaps I
> will be made to eat these words! Here's hoping and here's to a
> brighter future, Nigel.
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