Marie and the Book
Sep 15, 2006 11:02 AM
by carlosaveline
I have had seven books published so far. None of them on Pseudo-Theosophy.
Would you try that?
Data:Thu, 14 Sep 2006 19:24:42 EDT
Assunto:Re: Theos-World Re: Carlos Should Write His Own Book of Blavatsky Letters
> So I take it then, Carlos, that you will not write a book about the book
> that J. Algeo edited? Or write one that is substantially improved in regard to
> the correct HPB Letters? Too bad, Carlos, you could do it very well I think.
> In Brotherhood,
> Marie
> ________________________________________Carlos, you wrote:
> Marie,
> Thanks.
> Please look for youself.
> John Algeo wrote an article, published in "The Theosophist"John Algeo wrote
> an article, published in "The Theosophist", Adyar, and in "Quest", the
> TSA's magazine, admitting that those
> You should better inform yourself in order to see what you are talking
> about.
> You asked for info, I gave you info. Check it outnow if you want. If you do
> not check my evidences, you can't say I am saying falsehoods.
> Write to Radha Burnier-- you must know her address. Ask ask her opinion
> about these false letters. I did. Do you want a xerox of her air mail answer to
> me? At your service.
> If you write or call Radha by phone, she might perhaps let you know,
> privately, what she really things about the TSA!!!
> ________________________________________and I wrote: Theos-World LETTERS
> > Carlos, many thanks for your considerable explanations and research into
> the > "Letters etc." If any of what you say is true (and some of it could be),
> > then the work is indeed appalling and deserves your derision and continued
> > battle against HPB's enemies: past, present, and future.
> >
> > I now introduce a challenge to you, Carlos. Rewrite, or, re-edit, the book
> > the way that you feel it should have been presented the first time. You
> have > done the research, you have written the e-mails passionately enough to >
> establish that what you say COULD BE TRUE. Theosophy needs voices like
> yours, who
> > are willing to look deep and hard, and then discard all that they do not
> like > or hope not to be true, and just present the facts. But I suspect that
> even > then, it will be difficult to reach the truth of the matter WITH
> CERTAINTY. That is the nature of faith-based theosophy, and faith-based religion.
> >
> > In Brotherhood
> > Marie
> >
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